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Dr. Peter McCullough On “The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification” Counteracting Spike Protein with Nattokinase

[…]all while being censored for speaking the scientific truth. And, unfortunately, his warnings about vaccines have come to pass. In a recent article, Dr. McCullough said: “Far and away the most common question I get from those who took one of the COVID-19 vaccines is: ‘How do I get this out of my body?’ The mRNA and adenoviral DNA products were rolled out with no idea of how or when the body would ever break down the genetic code. The synthetic mRNA carried on lipid nanoparticles appears to be resistant to breakdown by human ribonucleases by design so the product would […]
Read more » Dr. Peter McCullough On “The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification” Counteracting Spike Protein with Nattokinase

ABC Video: CDC and Health Officials Tell 26 Year Old Woman She Gets Quarantined and Measles Vaccine or “goes to Jail”

[…]frightened family was served a home intervention notice too. Woman Gets Quarantined and Measles Vaccine or……. Jail! Just moments after we published our friends in Washington DC’s piece  (Alliance for Natural Health) about how a new federal order could allow you to be locked up and given drugs against your will- we saw the following about a young girl in South Pasadena: Twenty six year old graduate student Ylsa Tellez  and her family received an official home intervention notice from the county in Los Angeles (Ylsa and her family live in the suburb of Pasadena)  The CDC and county officials  have threatened […]
Read more » ABC Video: CDC and Health Officials Tell 26 Year Old Woman She Gets Quarantined and Measles Vaccine or “goes to Jail”

2 MDs, Zdogg & vaccine profiteer Paul Offit laugh at man whose young daughter died just hours after vaccines

UPDATE: About an hour ago (10/18/2018) Paul Offit posted an apology on his Facebook page, for his comments about Barron Trump. What do you think? Is he sincere or did he just get caught? (Scroll down to see the original story.) Yesterday afternoon we posted a clip of famous MD, Paul Offit, stating- without proof- that Trump’s youngest child was autistic (No matter what you think of the president, no one should be diagnosing a child they’ve never examined or even met, EVER). Well, below you will see a little more of that interview. Please take a moment to watch […]
Read more » 2 MDs, Zdogg & vaccine profiteer Paul Offit laugh at man whose young daughter died just hours after vaccines

Doctors Predict Epidemic of Prion Brain Diseases

[…]studies as having an effectiveness of 48%.” 2.“Reply to Fung et. al. on COVID-19 Vaccine Case-Counting Window Biases Overstating Vaccine Effectiveness,” authored by Lataster, which discussed how the counting window bias not only affected effectiveness estimates in observational studies but also safety estimates, suggesting a need for reassessment of vaccine safety.18 The article also addresses “the mysterious rise in non-COVID excess deaths post-pandemic.”19 3.“How the Case Counting Window Affected Vaccine Efficacy Calculations in Randomized Trials of COVID-19 Vaccines,” again co-authored by Doshi and Fung, which detailed how case-counting window issues also overestimated effectiveness in Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials.20 4.A second […]
Read more » Doctors Predict Epidemic of Prion Brain Diseases

CBS: Researcher Killed In Apparent Murder-Suicide Was Close To ‘Making Very Significant Findings’ Related To COVID-19

[…]coming back to his car and taking his own life. RELATED STORY: Gates and Company’s COVID-19 Vaccine Boosterism Ignores Significant SARS Coronavirus Vaccine Risks Known for Over a Decade Dr Ivet Bahar, head of the Computational and Systems Biology Department, said Liu had only recently begun researching COVID-19 and ‘was just starting to obtain interesting results,’ according to the Daily Mail. Ross Township detectives are continuing to investigate the circumstances and motives for the crime. They said Tuesday that there appears to be no indication the researcher’s death had any connection to his work. Source: CBSN Pittsburgh Daily […]
Read more » CBS: Researcher Killed In Apparent Murder-Suicide Was Close To ‘Making Very Significant Findings’ Related To COVID-19

Francis Boyle Speaks Out About Novel Coronavirus

[…]the Pentagon under DARPA … Once they have this offensive agent, they then proceed to develop a vaccine, because the agent is no good unless you can have a vaccine to protect your own people. So, they’re developing vaccines to have biological weapons, because a biological weapon consists of two elements: the offensive biological warfare agent in the first place, and then, second, a vaccine to protect your own people, and that is what is being done at all these BSL-4 facilities, and many of the BSL-3s as well. John Hopkins has a BSL-3 and they admit they do dual […]
Read more » Francis Boyle Speaks Out About Novel Coronavirus

COVID Shots Associated With Increased Risk of Blindness

[…]Retina Specialists Retinal Artery Occlusion 6 Vaccines December 2022; 10(12): 2143 7, 13, 14 NPJ Vaccines May 2, 2023; 8 Article number 64 8 NPJ Vaccines May 2, 2023; 8 Article number 64, Table 2 9 Twitter Retsef Levi May 4, 2023 10, 11 Total Vaccine Doses 12 JAMA Ophthalmology 2021;139(7):717-723 15 Case Rep Ophthalmol (2022) 13 (1): 28–32 16 Cureus 2022 Jun 11;14(6):e25842 17 Indian J. Ophthalmol. 70, 2191–2194 (2022) 18 Am. J. Ophthalmol. Case Rep. 26, 101445 (2022) 19 Am. J. Ophthalmol. Case Rep. 26, 101430 (2022) 20 Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol. 50, 459–461 (2022) 21 Ophthalmol. Ther. […]
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Triplets Regress into Autism ON THE SAME DAY — Genetics Could Not Do This! (Vaxxed Story)

[…]never looked at each other again.” Nearly 5 years later when the McDowell’s found out about vaccine injury court it was too late for them to apply. Thus far, they have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to recover their children from what they eventually found out was a contaminated vaccine lot. Just a couple of weeks after they lost their darling triplets to severe autism, the lot was recalled for sterilization. And it had killed a 2-year-old but that information was hidden from the public. The mainstream medicine loves to repeat the lie that Autism is ALWAYS genetic, not environmental and […]
Read more » Triplets Regress into Autism ON THE SAME DAY — Genetics Could Not Do This! (Vaxxed Story)

CDC Director forced to resign after buying stock in Tobacco, Merck, Bayer, and Humana

[…]it works to “protect the private good.” Although the agency owns 56 patents applicable to vaccines, it has no problem shredding vaccine safety data it doesn’t like, while continuing to serve as the nation’s powerful (and ostensibly “independent”) arbiter of vaccine policy. Julie Gerberding, the doctor who led the CDC from 2002 to 2009 (the time period when the Food and Drug Administration approved Gardasil without proper safety testing), left CDC to become president of Merck Vaccines and subsequently became Merck’s executive vice president for global strategic communications. Gerberding has benefited handsomely from her shares of Merck stock. Thus, Brenda Fitzgerald’s personal financial stake in companies such […]
Read more » CDC Director forced to resign after buying stock in Tobacco, Merck, Bayer, and Humana

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[…]for My Free Newsletter, info on Raw Foods Retreat, and New eBook on weight loss, overcoming Lyme, vaccine injury and more. Scroll down for my free mini documentary Sign Up Now Our Raw Foods Retreat Home Join Today for My Free Newsletter, info on Raw Foods Retreat, and New eBook on weight loss, overcoming Lyme, vaccine injury and more. Scroll down for my free mini documentary Sign Up […]

Recap: Full list of 80 dead scientists, with photos and shocking details

[…]injury. On Feb. 9 the Russian newspaper Pravda reported that Korshunov had probably invented a vaccine protecting from any biological arm. #32: David W. Barry, age 58, Died: January 28, 2002. Scientist who co-discovered AZT, the antiviral drug that is considered the first effective treatment for AIDS. Circumstance of Death are unknown. #31: Dr. Ivan Glebov. Died: January 2002. Russian Microbiologist. Glebov died as the result of a bandit attack.  Well known around the world and members of the Russian Academy of Science. #30: Dr. Alexi Brushlinski. Died: January 2002. Russian Microbiologist.  Murdered in  Moscow from bandit attack. Well known around the world and members of the Russian […]
Read more » Recap: Full list of 80 dead scientists, with photos and shocking details

Doctor gunned down in front of daughters, 2 and 4 at Malibu State Campground, No suspects or motive

[…]like PLA (polylactic acid) and PLGA (polylactic glycolic acid) are currently being used as vaccine adjuvants and delivery carriers.  The long-term safety of these potential vaccines is unknown and currently being studied. (Click here to see Beaudette’s published articles on PubMed- HE’S LISTED AS “Beaudette TT”.) Tristan did his Graduate Work at Berkeley and Post Doctorate Fellow at USC sponsored by Allergan. His work at Berkeley focused on “leading a team of chemists, immunologists, and biologists in the design of novel protein-based vaccine formulations”2, and published a paper “In Vivo Studies on the Effect of Co-Encapsulation of CpG DNA and Antigen […]
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Famous autism researcher and Doctor, Jeff Bradstreet, MD, died of alleged “self inflicted gunshot wound” to chest and found in a river.

Update: There are now 5 missing doctors (4 holistic & 1 osteopath) from the same region, and 5 more are missing, all within under a month. From their Facebook page, the Bradstreet family has said they’re “going to get to the bottom of this.” They’ve started a GoFundMe page to help launch a thorough investigation to uncover whether or not foul play was involved. They’ve asked that people not speculate at this time. We hope they find out the truth. They deserve at least that. Our thoughts and condolences go out to his family, friends, patients, and many followers. I’d […]
Read more » Famous autism researcher and Doctor, Jeff Bradstreet, MD, died of alleged “self inflicted gunshot wound” to chest and found in a river.

BREAKING: Elon Musk (X Corp) Files Lawsuit Against CCDH, Alleging Fraud, Abuse, Breach of Contract

[…]size that did not properly represent the volume of content that people had shared about COVID vaccines in the preceding months.” Ultimately, Musk’s lawsuit, while self-interested, has profoundly positive implications for all US citizens and their First Amendment rights by calling out a malign foreign influence operation masquerading as a ‘non profit’ research agency, funded and supported largely by UK-based NGOs with government and legacy media ties, and whose multi-year long focus has been attacking both private individuals and entities with defamation resulting in profound reputational and financial damage. This lawsuit stands to put CCDH, their colluders in the US […]
Read more » BREAKING: Elon Musk (X Corp) Files Lawsuit Against CCDH, Alleging Fraud, Abuse, Breach of Contract

Dog accidentally runs half-marathon after being let out for pee, finishes 7th

[…]lazy.”1 So. Sweet. RELATED STORY: NBC: Autopsy confirms Valley family’s suspicions that vaccine caused dog’s death Jim Clemens, who finished fourth in the half marathon said: “Every time I thought she had dropped off to go back home, I would hear her coming back up to me and she would race past me up to the two leaders. She would run off to romp through the streams and into yards to sniff around for a while.”2 After the week I’ve had, I so needed this story! Check out my organic CBD line I give to our dog who is a […]
Read more » Dog accidentally runs half-marathon after being let out for pee, finishes 7th

Breaking: Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office officially investigating the suspicious death of Brandy Vaughan

[…]of Florida 430AM Source: […]
Read more » Breaking: Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office officially investigating the suspicious death of Brandy Vaughan

Health CEO and Biohacker Found Dead in Washington DC Facedown in Flotation Tank

[…]against herpes. “The procedure itself is a simple one. If my herpes goes away, and the vaccine remains detectable in the blood upon subsequent lab analysis, we know it works as a cure. For Andreas, so long as the same happens, and he still doesn’t have herpes, then we have 90 percent of the data necessary to prove the vaccine works.” When the FDA got wind of Traywick’s herpes Type 1 & 2 trial, they “expressed concern about the safety of self-administered gene therapies and advised consumers to refrain from undergoing treatments not approved or studied ‘under appropriate regulatory oversight.’” […]
Read more » Health CEO and Biohacker Found Dead in Washington DC Facedown in Flotation Tank

American doctor kicked out of Africa for healing Ebola with ozone therapy instrumental in creating international “Ozone Without Borders”

[…]which cannot be patented was a threat to Big Pharma and their desire to develop Ebola drugs and vaccines. Dr. Rowen addressed this incident on his Facebook Page, explaining why it is accurate to label these actions in Africa as “crimes against humanity”: “I want to take you back to the Ebola epidemic of West Africa. It was fall of 2014 when I recruited Dr. Howard Robins to join me on a medical mission to Sierra Leone to try to save lives with ozone therapy. People were dying like flies. Fear was everywhere. Robins and I and our team had […]
Read more » American doctor kicked out of Africa for healing Ebola with ozone therapy instrumental in creating international “Ozone Without Borders”

Is China ground zero for a future pandemic?

[…]of the population. While there are many unknowns, we do know that: There is currently no human vaccine available that can guarantee protection against the most recent variant of H7N9. But you can bet that’s not for lack of trying. And no one is giving up on that cash cow yet, either. The takeaway? If you are going to eat meat, know where it comes from and how it was raised whenever possible and if you can’t know that, buy organic chicken from this […]

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[…] gift, I’d love to share my eBook on how I overcame a significant weight loss, Lyme disease, a vaccine injury and more. My Story Whether you’re here to keep updated on upcoming Raw Foods Retreats I’ve had for years, right on the Florida Coast, or overcoming health challenges… I hope you’ll stick around for a while. You’ll also be eligible for our weekly giveaways of some sweet gifts some of which can be found in our Health Nut Shop! From supplements, beauty products, to eco grounding shoes – it’s worth the few seconds to sign up. We announce new […]