(Editor’s note: Remember guys, they are not just spraying here in Florida! Multiple states are being assaulted aerially with this known dangerous organophosphate, classified as a neurotoxin. The culprit is Naled, name brand Dibrom- Morbid spelled backward- for those who missed it.)
Second update: see the DUNCE, Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, below who the mayors said DEMANDED them to keep all this quiet. There’s also a mainstream link at bottom predicting him as Florida’s next governor!
It just so happens that our corrupt governor, Rick Scott, has a HUGE vested (financial) interest in the mosquito spray companies AND the fracked gas pipeline ripping through our state (which scientists say could be the end of Florida as we know it). And now, adding insult to injury, we find out one of the mayors is up for re-election (and locals tell me has big political aspirations which involve Hillary Clinton)- it’s pretty insane.
Read the whole story below…
Breaking info straight from the Miami Herald:
“The mayors of Miami-Dade County and Miami Beach on Sunday accused the Florida Department of Health of lying after the state agency said last week that it never told local officials to hide the locations in Miami Beach where mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus were captured.”

Boom. They ASKED them to lie to their people. Sadly, I’m not surprised in the least. Our government is absolutely corrupt.
But not to be outdone, Florida’s health department came back strongly denying that they instructed local officials to keep the information confidential because that decision was actually up to Miami-Dade (after the Miami Herald reported on Friday that a county attorney said the state agency had ordered them to keep it a secret).
It’s pass the buck, y’all!
And THAT statement was made during a court hearing where the Miami Herald had to sue Miami-Dade in order to find out the locations of the traps in Miami Beach (where mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus were captured earlier this month)!
Miami Herald states:
“The suit seeks disclosure of the locations on grounds that the information would help the public make decisions about precautions to take if they live or work nearby, and also inform the community debate on the use of the controversial insecticide naled.
On Sunday, Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez, who is facing a runoff election in November, pushed back against the Florida health department’s denial with a written statement repeating that the agency had ordered secrecy in regards to the locations.”
Unbelievable, only if you actually trust your government to protect and serve you. That’s right. Gimenez, who is up for re-election states the following:
“During multiple meetings, phone calls and conversations, officials from the Florida Department of Health explicitly stated to county officials that information identifying the addresses of traps containing mosquitoes positive for the Zika virus is confidential during active, ongoing epidemiological investigations. It is disturbing that the Florida Department of Health is denying previous directives to maintain confidentiality of the trap locations. At the end of the day, this is about the health and safety of our community, and we have been carrying out the express orders of the Florida Department of Health as it relates to disclosure of mosquito-trap information.”
Philip Levine, Miami Beach’s Mayor, corroborated Gimenez’s story but and said that he was present when Florida health officials, including Miami-Dade Director Lillian Rivera and state Surgeon General Celeste Philip, instructed county and city officials not to disclose the locations. He said Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam also told him the health department had ordered the information remain confidential.
So do we trust the corrupt Florida Department of Health or do we trust the mayors? I asked the residence of Miami and Miami beach where I used to live and they stated they trust NEITHER!
(Related: Florida Dept of Health called out by local TV network. Criminals at work?)
Miami Herald reports:
“On Friday, the health department issued a written statement denying the agency ever muzzled the county.
“The statements made by the county today are completely false,” Mara Gambineri, a health department spokeswoman, said in an email. “At no time did the Florida Department of Health instruct Miami-Dade County to withhold the location of mosquito traps. This is solely the decision of the county.”
Miami-Dade is the only place in the nation where there is active spread of Zika by mosquitoes, and it’s a tiny area of barely 4.5 square miles. The trouble is, Rick Scott has a HUGE vested interest in the mosquito spray companies, which you can read about here.
Again, even if the mayors refuse to spray their cities and counties, and Rick Scott tries to force them to do so- they can stand up for themselves, their land, and people and say no. It’s time someone took a stand against this villain. Remember, he bought his way in by a tiny margin here in Florida in the last election but at this point much of Florida wants to see him impeached!
P.S. Some have asked for a few other states that were being sprayed aerially and those would include (but are not limited to): Florida, Maryland, Texas, New York, Louisiana, California and we just got a report that Idaho is included as well. We’re sure that’s just a fraction of the states but please write us if your state or city is being sprayed aerially, too.