Anna Konopka, an 84-year-old medical doctor originally from Poland and currently practicing in New London, New Hampshire, has lost her license for refusing to practice what she calls “electronic medicine.” Get this, rather than keep electronic records or record patient data on a computer, she handwrites her patient records and keeps them in file cabinets. You know, those big tall things with drawers that pull out? Good for her!
“The allegations against Konopka started in October 2014 when a complaint brought to the New Hampshire Board of Medicine accused her of ‘improper prescribing practices’ regarding a child patient, according to the state. After an investigation into the allegation, the board reprimanded Konopka in May.”2
“I cannot get too upset. I’m not devastated with that. I think that people are doing certain things against me. They are part of the political system, you know. I’m coping with the system. If you are not with system, the system considers you enemy of system, because you are out of the system. Therefore, asenemy of the system, you have to be destroyed.”3