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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Lindsey Graham Says Bill Gates Should Head the W.H.O. and We Should Double the Amount of Money Given to Them if He Does

WOW! We can’t believe Lindsey Graham would say such a thing, especially since Bill Gates doesn’t even have a college degree. Nothing against that, but perhaps both Bill and Melinda Gates should stop playing doctor to the masses.   Share your thoughts...

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AP: Senate Narrowly Rejects New Limits on Internet Surveillance

An attempt to stop law enforcement agencies from accessing Americans’ internet histories without a warrant has failed in the US Senate – by a single vote. Introduced by Democratic senator Ron Wyden and Republican Steve Daines, the measure was an amendment to a bill reauthorizing specific lapsed intelligence programs. While that bill does introduce certain new privacy protections, including a restriction on how cell phone data may be used, many civil libertarians both inside and outside Congress are concerned that it does not do enough to keep Americans safe from excessive surveillance, especially in their online lives. RELATED STORY:...

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Port of Seattle Cop Reminded Officers to Respect the Bill of Rights — Now His Bosses Want Him Fired

Port of Seattle Police Officer and Special Forces Veteran Greg Anderson made a patriotic and inspirational video reminding police officers they do not have unlimited powers. Officer Anderson is now on administrative leave, and many fear he will most likely be fired. You can view his entire video below, where he begins by saying: “I have seen officers around the country enforcing tyrannical orders; I was hoping it was a minority of officers, anymore, I am not so sure …”  We do not get to violate someone’s Constitutional Rights …”1 RELATED STORY: Dogs’ Rights Now Exceed Human Rights RELATED...

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CNN: Scary Robot Dogs Being Deployed to Keep People Away From Each Other with Social Distancing in Singapore

The government of Singapore announced late last week that it would be trying out a new way to make its residents stay away from each other. They’ve deployed Spot, Boston Dynamics’ famous yellow and black canine robot, at one local park. The four-legged robot “dog” will patrol the park and broadcast a pre-recorded message to visitors to remind them of the importance of social distancing, according to authorities. The robot will be fitted with cameras that scan the surroundings and help officials determine the number of people gathering in parks. The government said in a statement: “These cameras will...

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U.S. Hemp-Based Construction Advances with Fire-Safety Tests, New Book

Natural materials builders seeking to develop a market for industrial hemp in the United States are moving forward after successful testing for building safety codes and recognition by a national architecture and design program at a U.S. university. Hemp advocates have identified lime-hemp building material, called “hempcrete,” as an opportunity to build a market for hemp grown for fiber. Challenges have been a lack of supply, building code regulations, and a lack of education amongst architects and designers, builders say. Dion Markgraaff, vice president of the recently formed U.S. Hemp Building Association, based in Denver, said hemp advocates are encouraged...

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