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Author: Erin Elizabeth

More than 4,000 Smart Streetlights which use FACIAL RECOGNITION and can record video and audio raise concerns in San Diego

What began as a way to increase public safety has turned into a civil rights concern. Activists are calling for the City of San Diego to stop its use of surveillance cameras that collect real-time data including video and audio. The “Smart Streetlights” were approved by the San Diego City Council in December 2016, and there are currently 4,700 installed according to the city’s website. The “intelligent sensors” on the lights continuously collect data. The city says the lights helps save money and increase public safety. However, some residents of San Diego, California are demanding the removal of some...

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Chemicals Largely to Blame for Skyrocketing Male Infertility

Human fertility is in a downward spiral, and scientists are warning that modern life — with its technological and chemical “progress” — is likely to blame. While female infertility tends to get the most attention, male infertility has made headlines in recent years, as research sheds light on the dramatic decline in sperm concentration and quality. According to the largest meta-analysis of its kind, sperm counts around the world declined by more than 50% between 1973 and 2013, and continue to dwindle today. The most significant declines were found in samples from men in North America, Europe, Australia and...

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Breaking: Authorities debunk false rumors that Brandy Vaughan died of gallbladder attack/disease

For months we have heard a false narrative as to the cause of the death of Brandy Vaughan. Time and again we have been told that her death was the result of gallbladder disease. We now know based on the public report of the Santa Barbara coroner that the cause of death is reported as bilateral pulmonary thromboembolism, no mention of anything gallbladder related. Basically, she had blood clots in both lungs. Sadly a secret “inner circle” offered this false death by gallbladder narrative from day one, a few even spamming her non-profit’s page “Learn the Risk” within hours...

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An Anonymous Hero in the UK is Covering Vile, Racist Graffiti With Lovely Cat Photos

In recent years, the English-speaking world has witnessed a sharp rise in racism, xenophobia, and hate crimes against minority groups. By that same token, we’ve also witnessed a corresponding rise in anti-racist organizing meant to counteract those white supremacists who are trying to drag society into an abyss of ethnic, racial, and religious intolerance, discrimination, and violence. Such was the case in Manchester, England, where an anonymous local hero has devised an ingenious method to combat the racist propaganda littering public spaces around the city. The Manc reports that cat stickers have begun appearing over racist posters that were...

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Jogger’s lung collapses after he ran for 2.5 miles while wearing a face mask

A Chinese man is recovering from surgery after his lung collapsed following a 2.5-mile run in Wuhan, the initial epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, while wearing a face mask last week, hospital officials said Monday. In a statement posted to Weibo, China’s version of Twitter, the Wuhan Central Hospital said the 26-year-old suffered chest pain and shortness of breath on Thursday. Upon examination, doctors found his left lung had compressed by 90 percent and his heart was moved to the right side of his body. A collapsed lung, known as a pneumothorax, occurs when air leaks outside the lung.   The patient underwent surgery and was...

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