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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Can we all agree that nothing at Coachella will beat Prince covering Radiohead’s ‘Creep’?

Prince Covers Radiohead’s ‘Creep’ There are fringe sites claiming that Prince died of the flu shot but it’s unlikely that it would be given in April. And now Aretha Franklin has announced she thinks he might have died of the Zika virus. I also have people writing me to say it was the Illuminati. However, the most plausible explanation might be that he was forced to take Percocet for the excruciating hip pain he’d suffered from for years; the question remains whether he had hip replacements or knew about things like PRP (platelet replacement therapy) cannabis, CBD OIL,  or stem cell therapy–...

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Do YOU Know What’s In Your Soap and Shampoo? You might soon!

What’s In Your Soap and Shampoo? update: We show a few more natural and organic products here, but they aren’t ours – just recommendations. Unless you’ve taken the time to look at each and every label of each and everything you’ve brought into your house, you might not know what’s lurking in your soap and shampoo. I have a friend who, concerned about the estrogenic ingredients in her shampoo and that of her 10 year old daughter, looked at soap, shampoo, makeup, lotion– everything– last summer and ended up with two garbage cans FULL of bottles. And here’s the...

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New Report Exposes Food Industry Cover-up On Carrageenan

Food Industry Cover-up On Carrageenan These are the types of stories that should make you mad. Really mad. The Cornucopia Institute– a farm policy research group– just released a report, and will formally do so on April 25th- at the USDA’s National Organic Standards Board meeting- summarizing research that proves that all food-grade carrageenan contains a carcinogenic contaminant—low molecular weight poligeenan. During the meeting, the board will debate whether to remove carrageenan from its list of ‘approved use’ in organic food. Carrageenan is harvested from edible red seaweed, and is used to thickener/stabilize foods (although organic alternatives to it...

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‘I’m Hitting The Road’: 90-Year-Old Chooses Road Trip Over Cancer Treatment

90-Year-Old Chooses Road Trip Over Cancer Treatment A Michigan woman named Norma is currently taking the trip of a lifetime and the pictures seem to prove it! In July of 2015, her husband of 67 years- Leo, died, and two days later she was diagnosed with uterine cancer. The doctor, doing his due diligence, outlined all her treatment options but she decided that at 90 years old, an epic road trip sounded better. Her son and his wife are retired so they packed up the RV and hit the road. If you’d like to follow their epic trip, check...

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Microchips: Are Pet Owners Being Misled?

Microchips: Are Pet Owners Being Misled? If you have a pet, you’ve most likely had them implanted with a microchip. They are marketed as a safe and permanent form of ID for our fury family members, should we ever get separated. And, you can get your animal chipped just about anywhere, from your vet to a pop up booth at the mall. However, did we all just jump on the bandwagon without giving it any thought? Are there health risks associated with the implants? We are told that they are safe, and the pharmaceutical giant Merial says scientific studies...

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