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Author: Erin Elizabeth

USDA Says: Gene-Edited Mushroom DOESN’T Need Regulation

Gene-Edited Mushroom DOESN’T Need Regulation The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently said in a letter that a mushroom with edited genes, via molecular scissors known as CRISPR/Cas9, doesn’t need to be regulated like other GM crops. That makes this mushroom the first CRISPR-edited crop to clear USDA regulation. And if you live in a state where labeling isn’t done, you may never know. CRISPR/Cas9 was used by plant pathologist Yinong Yang at Penn State University to snip out a tiny bit of one gene from the mushroom Agaricus bisporus, and this edit, “reduces browning when the mushroom is sliced”, reports Science News. The USDA determined...

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My friend Brice Cured His Cancer With Unconditional Giving … And A Little Help From His Friends

My friend Brice Cured His Cancer With Unconditional Giving I was so happy when my friend Brice Royer emailed me this story and video from the Vancouver Times (below) about his recent great news. My better half (a Holistic doctor of over 30 years) helped Brice in his battle with cancer. I introduced the two when an extremely ill, Brice reached out to me (see the past article I did on him) asking that I share some links about his story. I shared those pieces, wrote a story on Brice myself, but knew the introduction would be important. I talked to Brice by...

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Hershey, Nestle And Mars Have Been Using Child Slaves To Make Your Chocolate. See For Yourself.

Hershey, Nestle And Mars Have Been Using Child Slaves To Make Your Chocolate What was one of the better kept secrets of the the 21st century is now blown totally open.  The three corporations above are responsible for much of the world’s chocolate influx, 60% of which comes out of West Africa. In 2000, it was revealed that the harvesting and processing of the cacao plant was left to children, often unpaid and living in slavery.  Imprisoned, forced to go to the bathroom on the roof or in a cup and malnourished, children would either be sold into it...

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This Is The Homemade Cannabis Oil Recipe That People Are Using To Treat Cancer.

Homemade Cannabis Oil Recipe For Cancer The re-entrance of marijuana into the main stream consciousness has come on the back of revelations that the herb has massive cancer curing potential.  The cannabinoids, molecules within the plant, enter the human body on consumption and bind with receptors that are already in place.  Our bodies are made to handle this stuff. The resulting endocannabinoids that are released by the human body perform a variety of positive effects, including regulation of cell growth.  The fact that we have receptors for the chemical seems to indicate that we are evolved to eat the plant...

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Erin Brockovich digs deep to discover why Kentucky creek turned yellow

Erin Brockovich digs deep We are so thankful to have Erin Brockovich on the truth team! Check out this recent post from her! “How would you like to find the creek behind your house looking like this in morning? Listen up Kentucky… I WILL get to the bottom of this… and there will be no more sweeping this under the rug !!! I received this note from a resident last night… Residents of Rockhouse Creek near Tomahawk, Kentucky, noticed the stream behind their homes colored yellow the morning of April 11. “After about an hour it turned bright green,” they said....

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