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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Sleep Apnea Promotes Cancer Growth & What You Can Do About It

Sleep Apnea Promotes Cancer Growth If you’ve ever slept next to someone who has sleep apnea, you know how annoying it can be. For them however, it’s even worse; while they might be keeping you up, their body isn’t really getting the sleep it needs, and they are at risk for high blood pressure and heart diseases. Sadly, according to a new study, that’s not all. They might also be promoting cancer growth. At the 2016 European Association of Urology Congress, in Munich, Germany, Dr. Antoni Vilaseca from the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona in Spain suggested a possible link between...

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Sam Beall, Farm-to-Table Restaurateur- Dies at 39

(Editor’s Note: I’m so, so sorry I’m late with this news. Please forgive me.) Sam Beall Dies at 39 Sam Beall (pronounced Bell), one of the leaders of the farm-to-table culinary movement, died on Feb. 25th. His parents’ country inn, Blackberry Farm, became a national destination for fine dining under his close watch. He was 39 years old. A spokeswoman for the farm said he died in a skiing accident. He is survived by his parents, his wife, Mary Celeste; a son, Sam; four daughters, Cameron, Rose, Josephine and Lila; and a brother, David. Mr. Beall grew up on the family farm, in...

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Free: Watch CNN’s Film “Escape Fire” Which Exposes a Broken Corrupt Medical Industry & What we can do

Watch CNN’s Film “Escape Fire” I actually convinced both my parents to watch this which was a great start. It’s pretty outstanding. I’m still amazed CNN made it. Highly recommended and completely free for you to watch. Thanks CNN. You did right on this one!  Eye opening to say the least! My better half (a doctor) loved it as well! Truth! XO Erin...

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Lower Home Temps In Winter Associated With Lower Waist Measurement

Lower Home Temps, Lower Waist Measurement Investigators from Japan have shown that the heat in our homes, during the colder months, can have an effect on our waistlines. The study’s lead investigator, Keigo Saeki, MD, PhD, of Nara Medical University School of Medicine Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Nara, Japan, said their study showed that elderly adults are bigger around the middle when they turn up the heat inside their homes during the cold season and have smaller waistlines when their homes stay cool; exposure to the cold activates thermogenesis (the production of body heat) in brown fat....

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What Happens To Your Body When You Switch Or Stop Using Cosmetic Products

What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Using Cosmetic Products In a new study, led by researchers from UC Berkeley and Clinica de Salud del Valle Salinas, it was shown that taking a break- even a short one- from various cosmetics, shampoos, and other personal care products can lead to a substantial drop in the levels of hormone-disrupting chemicals present within the body. Published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, the team gave 100 Latina teenagers various personal care products that were free from common chemicals like phthalates, parabens, triclosan, and oxybenzone (these are regularly used in almost all conventional personal care products and animal...

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