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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Chinese Restaurants Found Lacing Their Food With Morphine To Get Customers Addicted

Chinese Restaurants Found Lacing Their Food With Morphine To Get Customers Addicted (Editor’s Note: If you are reading this with your kids, there’s a little language toward the end. Head’s up.) Close to 35 restaurants in China have been found to be spiking their food with opiates, including morphine and codeine.  There is currently an investing to find out exactly how these establishments have been doing it. Food that has been found to have been laced with opiates include noodles, hotpot and lobsters, according to local news, and 5 of the 35 restaurants under investigation are currently being prosecuted.  “Consuming...

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NBC: FDA Moves to Ban Cancer-Causing Pork Antibiotic

FDA Moves to Ban Cancer-Causing Pork Antibiotic I’m happy to report that the FDA has proposed that the antibiotic carbadox be banned. Used to fatten up pigs for slaughter, the FDA says the company cannot prove that its use doesn’t cause cancer in people. Carbadox is already limited in Canada, Australia and the European Union. The government and consumer groups want farmers to stop using it, and other antibiotics, to fatten animals because the practice is helping to spread antibiotic-resistant superbugs. However, the FDA’s main concern is that consumers might be exposed to carcinogenic substances. Yes I know, that sentence- the...

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Food Scanner Can Tell You What Your Food Is Made Of Without Labels

Food Scanner Can Tell You What Your Food Is Made Of Bypassing regulations and corrupt laws, a new technology being investigated by three major companies has the potential to revolutionize the food industry by allowing consumers to scan their own food and determine what it is, exactly. The scanner is tiny, as small as a grain of rice, and can fit in your smart phone.  It works by reading reflected light.  Certain chemicals (gluten, sugar, vitamin C, etc.) reflect different kinds of light and the machine can delineate, advising you as to what actually makes up the substance you are...

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Health Blogger Threatened With Jail Time For Advocating Paleo Diet That Cured His Diabetes

(This is an old story but still relevant. Read on.) Health Blogger Threatened With Jail Time Internet free speech is under assault in America, and a dangerous new trend has surfaced that threatens to throw nutritional bloggers in jail for advocating healthy diets on their blogs or websites. As you read this, a blogger who wrote about using the Paleo diet to overcome diabetes is being threatened with jail time in North Carolina, where the state Board of Dietetics / Nutrition claims his nutritional advocacy is equivalent to the crime of “practicing nutrition without a license.” His name is...

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Breaking: Another Holistic Doctor Killed

Another Holistic Doctor Killed We are so sorry to break the tragic news that yet another holistic doctor has been killed yesterday Wednesday April 6th. Dr. John Harsch described himself as having a “holistically medical approach.” See more quotes about him below in this developing story: NBC 12 reports on the story: A well known holistic doctor was struck and killed in Henry County Wednesday evening, April 6th. Around 6:40 p.m., Henry County First Responders and TRAFFIC Units responded to a serious accident with injuries involving a 2002 Infinity and a bicyclist. The bicyclist, John A. Harsch, 59, of Hampton...

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