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Author: Erin Elizabeth

At Menopause: Estrogen-Only Therapy Carries Lower Risk of Blood Clots

Estrogen-Only Therapy Carries Lower Risk of Blood Clots Sweden is finally answering the estrogen at menopause question; in a population study out (of more than 800 Swedish women who had VTEs and nearly 900 age-matched controls who took no hormones) this week and published online in Menopause, the journal of The North American Menopause Society, the study shows that estrogen-only therapy carries a lower risk of blood clots than combined estrogen-progestogen therapy. Also, there is no significant increased risk of clots with combination therapy when the estrogen is transdermal, and vaginal estrogen doesn’t raise the risk at all. The...

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DOJ: Terminix to Pay $10M for Poisoning Entire Family

Terminix to Pay $10M for Poisoning Entire Family (Editor’s note: A family here in Florida is also suing Terminix because their son was severely injured. I would not feel safe using them myself- ever. Terminix has released statements about both of these horrible tragic cases and sounded far more defensive than apologetic or sympathetic, which is despicable.) It was announced yesterday that Terminix, the pest control company, will pay $10 million because of the allegations that they illegally sprayed a toxic pesticide which nearly killed a Delaware family who were vacationing in the U.S. Virgin Islands last year; the family may not recover. According to...

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Seed Bombers Can Plant 900,000 Trees A Day

Seed Bombers Can Plant 900,000 Trees A Day By reusing old airplanes and retrofitting them to drop seeds instead of land mines, Lockheed Martin and Aerial Reforestation Inc. have anticipated that we could plant a billion trees every year. “Seed bombing” has become quite popular in recent years, as re-forestation takes on a value unmeasurable to money.  Aerial reforestation can be used in any area that used to contain trees, and even in some deserts, and removes the requirement for individuals to perform the slow seeding process by hand. The fastest growing trees in the world grow 3+ feet...

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Grow New Teeth With Stem-Cell Dental Implants!

Grow New Teeth With Stem-Cell Dental Implants! The Journal of Dental Research recently published a study about a new tissue regeneration technique that may help regrow teeth. While they do not grow in a Petri dish the anatomically correct teeth do regenerate using the body’s own material. This treatment is totally natural and has a quick recovery time (with regrowth around nine weeks after implantation). Developed in the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Laboratory at Columbia University Medical Center, the process involves a three-dimensional scaffold with growth factor. The body’s own stem cells are attracted toward the scaffold (made of natural...

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CBS: Doctors Resist New Painkiller Prescribing Procedures

Doctors Resist New Painkiller Prescribing Procedures In an attempt to curb the consequences (like abuse and death) of over prescribing opioid painkillers like Vicodin and OxyContin, the Obama administration is now asking doctors to log into a pill-tracking database BEFORE prescribing painkillers or other high-risk drugs. Gary Mendell, CEO of the non-profit Shatterproof, is helping the administration’s effort by lobbying in state capitals to tighten the prescribing standards for addictive drugs, “Their role is to say what needs to be done, my role is to get it done,” he told CBS. Founded in 2011, after his son committed suicide...

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