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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Can’t Fall Back Asleep? “Sleepy Dust”—An Unconventional Nutritional Remedy for Insomnia

“Sleepy Dust”—An Unconventional Nutritional Remedy for Insomnia Have you ever woken up suddenly—only to see a glowing alarm clock reading 3:00 in the morning—and couldn’t fall back to sleep? (And then that that annoying Matchbox 20 song pops into your head, too? Ugh.) If so, you’re not alone. 42% of Americans reported waking up in the middle of the night, with 29% finding it difficult to fall back asleep, according to a research study done by the National Sleep Foundation. That’s the reason why there’s even special prescription drugs out there now that aren’t just sleep aids, but getting-back-to-sleep-aids. So...

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Lack Of Sleep Alters Brain Chemicals Which Brings On Cannabis-Style ‘Munchies’

Lack Of Sleep Alters Brain Chemicals Too little sleep may bring on a form of the marijuana “munchies”, say scientists who found that sleep-deprived people craved crisps, sweets and biscuits far more than healthier foods. The US researchers believe that skimping on sleep alters brain chemicals in much the same way as the hunger-boosting ingredient in cannabis, which has long propped up snack sales at 24-hour convenience stores. After several nights of poor sleep, healthy volunteers who took part in the study reached for snacks containing more calories – and nearly twice as much fat – than ones they...

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SEE THE CANNABIS OIL TREATMENT THIS WOMAN USED TO GET RID OF BRAIN CANCER When Kelly Hauf began suffering from severe headaches she went to her doctor. She never expected to discover that her CAT scan would reveal a 3cm tumor in the left frontal lobe of her brain. With a husband and two teenage girls Kelly was shattered. The tumor was discovered in 2000, and was operated on in 2003. While the operation was a success, two months later a MRI showed regrowth of the tumor. After this upsetting news, Kelly’s brain surgeon recommended 4-6 months of chemotherapy,...

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No-Bake Raw Vegan Cakes That Are Perfect for Summer or Anytime!

No-Bake Raw Vegan Cakes The summer season is an excellent time to try a raw, vegan diet, or just to add some more raw dishes to your meals. Who needs to turn on the oven to bake a cake in the hot, summer heat when you can make a scrumptious cake without heating up the whole house? Click the dessert name for the recipe!   Raw Vegan Strawberry Banana Cream Cake It’s time to use those juicy, summer berries that are in-season. Pick up some fresh, organic strawberries for the filling of this cake, and use others like blueberries...

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The Dangers of Sponges and Dish Cloths

The Dangers of Sponges and Dish Cloths “Sponges are usually the dirtiest thing in the kitchen and difficult to keep clean,” says microbiologist Manan Sharma of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland. That was true in the NSF International survey of U.S. homes, where 77 percent of the sponges and dish cloths contained coliform bacteria, 86 percent had yeast and mold, and 18 percent had Staph bacteria. NSF International is a non-profit agency that sets safety standards for water filters and other equipment. Why are sponges so dirty? “They come into contact with...

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