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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Corporate Sabotage? Norovirus Resurfaces At 1 Location- Media Frenzy Ensues

Corporate Sabotage? Norovirus Resurfaces At 1 Location You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to ask if Chipotle could be under corporate sabotage. While Blue Bell ice cream left 3 people dead, with no investigation for countless months, we weren’t surprised that federal investigators jumped on the Chipotle outbreak in mere weeks. That’s right, weeks- even though the outbreaks have yet to kill anyone(let’s hope they never do). Chipotle even voluntarily closed all their stores for a day after previous outbreaks and were praised by experts at their professionalism on the whole matter. So, despite the fact that no customers were sickened, it’s...

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How Big Pharma Greed Is Killing Tens Of Thousands Around The World

How Big Pharma Greed Is Killing Tens Of Thousands Around The World Sir Richard Thompson, the Queen’s personal doctor for 21 years and former-president of the Royal College of Physicians has come out warning that many medicines are less effective than thought, that too often patients are given useless – and sometimes harmful – drugs that they do not need, and that drug companies are developing medicines they can profit from, rather than those which are likely to be the most beneficial. He and several other physicians are also accusing the NHS of failing to stand up to the pharmaceutical companies....

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Banana Cinnamon Tea Recipe- It Works Like A Sleeping Pill!

Banana Cinnamon Tea Recipe- It Works Like A Sleeping Pill Sleep is incredibly important and any doctor worth their salt will tell you that. No matter your age, it’s one of the most important things you will do in the course of 24 hours. Without it, there are a host of problems you can expect in both the short, and long term. With short term sleep loss you are less alert, your memory is impaired, it can put stress on your relationships, dark under eye circles, premature wrinkling and your quality of life is lessened. However, long term loss is...

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9-Year-Old Builds Shelters For The Homeless; She Also Grows Them Food

9-Year-Old Builds Shelters For The Homeless At 9 years old, Hailey Fort has broken through any ceiling society may have built for her.  She spends her time building mobile shelters for people that don’t have anywhere to sleep. It began when she was 5. She asked her mother about helping a homeless man in Bremerton, Washington, where they live.  Her mother said yes and now they work together to provide shelters to those in need. “You don’t get rained on and you feel safe and stay dry,” said Hailey. “It just doesn’t seem right that there are homeless people,”...

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9 Proven Ways to Fix The Hormones That Control Your Weight

Ways to Fix The Hormones That Control Your Weight Your weight is largely controlled by hormones. Research shows that hormones influence your appetite and how much fat you store (1, 2, 3). Here are 9 ways to “fix” the hormones that control your weight. 1. Insulin Insulin is a hormone produced by the beta cells of your pancreas. It’s secreted in small amounts throughout the day and in larger amounts after meals. Insulin allows your cells to take in blood sugar for energy or storage, depending on what is needed at the time. Insulin is also the main fat...

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