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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Woman Can’t Decide Which Dogs To Save- Buys Entire Shelter Instead

Woman Can’t Decide Which Dogs To Save- Buys Entire Shelter Instead DOG TALES (Editor’s note: You all know how much I love animals so once you read this and watch the video, you’ll know why I HAD to post this! Thanks to The Dodo for this amazing story.) Danielle Eden is no stranger to hell. She usually brings a few dogs back from there. As cofounder of Dog Tales Rescue and Sanctuary, she has visited countless animal shelters throughout the world. And often she would bring dogs in the most dire circumstances back to the rescue’s own rolling 50-acre...

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Cubans using Tesla’s recipe for ozone oil in new product

Cubans using Tesla’s recipe for ozone oil in new product Nikola Tesla, the author of more than seven hundred patents in physics, electrical engineering and radio, was also responsible for creating ozone water (which he made with his ozone machine). At that time he gave it to friends to cure skin diseases, stomach parasitic diseases, injuries and wounds. With this knowledge, the cubans have taken Tesla’s discovery and produced a product that will likely arrive in our country next year. Called OlivOzone Oil, it’s sunflower oil mixed with ozone (Tesla was also the first to create ozone oil) and is said to, “eliminate...

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A Dutch designer has created an underground fridge that does not use electricity

A Dutch designer has created an underground fridge that does not use electricity Dutch designer Floris Schoonderbeek, has created the Ground Fridge, an underground cool storage solution, for Dutch brand Weltevree. Watch a video of the designer talking about the Ground Fridge – here. The designer’s description: Modern houses are often built without a basement while a lot of people nowadays feel the need for one: they’re focused on healthy food and, for example, grow their own food or buy in bulk at the local organic farmer. The Ground Fridge is a basement as a product. An innovative version of...

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A marijuana mall is in the works in Colorado

A marijuana mall is in the works in Colorado Developers have targeted the town of Trinidad, Colorado as the site for the country’s first ever ‘marijuana mini mall’. Sean Sheridan and Chris Elkins, two of the developers, state that the friendly town is the perfect place for the project, thanks to tourism and laws.  “This town has a zero-foot setback, which allows us to put five dispensaries here right next to one another. As far as we know, we are the only town in Colorado that we can do this in,” said Elkins. As KRDO reports, “The group recently purchased...

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Painkiller deaths drop by 25% in states with legalized medical marijuana

Painkiller deaths drop by 25% in states with legalized medical marijuana A study put out by the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2014 made an interesting discovery.  In every state that had legalized medical marijuana between 1999 and 2010 (13 states in all), there was a 25% reduction in deaths related to the overdose of legally prescribed opioids. “The difference is quite striking,” said study co-author Colleen Barry, a health policy researcher at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore.  She notes that the trend became visible in every state a year after the pot was...

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