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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Erin Brockovich urges people to question the value of water fluoridation

Erin Brockovich urges people to question the value of water fluoridation In this clip from Dr. Oz, Erin and Oz discuss water fluoridation’s possible value and danger. Internationally renowned clean-water campaigner, Erin Brockovich, urged her Facebook followers to question water fluoridation’s value in recent posts while on a trip to Australia to discuss water contamination. “Do your own reading,” she urged people, posting a link to research claiming that fluoride accumulates, in high levels, in the human pineal gland. Brockovich became a world-wide celebrity when Julia Roberts played her in the 2000 filmErin Brockovich.  Since then, she has campaigned...

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San Francisco Becomes First City To Ban The Sale Of Plastic Bottles

San Francisco Becomes First City To Ban The Sale Of Plastic Bottles Plastic pollution is one of the greatest burdens to the environment. Believe it or not, enough plastic is discarded every year to circle the globe four times. Even worse, it is estimated that 50% of the plastic on this planet is used only once before being thrown away. To curb the issue of plastic pollution, the city of San Francisco has just done something monumental: it has become the first in America to ban the sale of plastic water bottles.  The move is building a global movement to reduce the huge amount of waste from the billion-dollar...

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US war vet transforms wheelchair into snow plow and plows the whole neighborhood

US war vet transforms wheelchair into snow plow and plows the whole neighborhood Justin Anderson decided to take his wheelchair to the next level and installed a snow blade onto the front of the machine, in order to plow the sidewalks and driveways in his neighborhood. Anderson is happy to give back to the community, keeping walkways safe for adults and children.  “The community has supported me immensely with my struggles and tough times as I had a leg amputated and my fight with brain cancer. This is my way of giving back,” he said.  “I don’t want kids...

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Americans Want Congress Members To Pee In Cups To Prove THEY Aren’t On Drugs

Americans Want Congress Members To Pee In Cups To Prove THEY Aren’t On Drugs In 2013, 1,000 American citizens were polled and the numbers showed that the majority of those polled wanted mandatory drug tests for members of the US Congress. The call is a move against potential hypocrisy in which some congress people actually use the drugs they are working to keep illegal.  A few years ago, a cargo ship loaded with 90 pounds of cocaine was stopped by the coast guard.  It turned out the boat was owned bySenator Mitch McConnell’s father-in-law (also one of his largest...

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Portland installs turbines in their city water pipes, powers city by flushing toilets

Portland installs turbines in their city water pipes, powers city by flushing toilets Hydroelectric turbines have been installed in one of the main water pipelines in Portland, Oregon, utilizing the water pressure to produce electricity. The turbines work where water is flowing downhill, and are already recouping some of the energy cost in keeping the water system running.  When fully in place, these pipe generators can power hundreds of thousands of homes. Gregg Semler, CEO of Lucid Energy, followed his dream of “helping water become more sustainable” by developing this smart piping system.  Not only are they electricity generators,...

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