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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Fake Accounts are Taking Over Facebook and Posting “Articles” -targeting the chronically ill

Fake Accounts are Taking Over Facebook Health Nut News Note: If you are coming here from Justice.One – It appears they redirected their website here and were not able to stay up anymore, but here is their article I reposted of theirs with full permission: If you are a member of a Facebook chronic illness group on Facebook –you’ve almost certainly seen it before –whether or not you even realized it. There is a company based in Pakistan that has, for over a year now, been creating hundreds of thousands of fake facebook accounts, joining groups (all types of...

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50-Year-Old Man Cures Lung Cancer With Cannabis Oil, Stuns CBS News

Man Cures Lung Cancer With Cannabis Oil A combination of cannabis oil and chemotherapy healed this man’s “incurable inoperable” lung cancer. Now, he’s paying it forward by helping others heal their lives, too. Credit: CBS St. Louis Not too long ago, a 50-year-old man from Illinois was diagnosed with “incurable inoperable” lung and pericardial heart sac cancer. The doctors told him he had about a year to live, but could opt to undergo chemotherapy to extend his life. As you may or may not know, the survival rate of lung cancer is incredibly grim. It is estimated that the...

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8 Reasons to Wear the Same Thing Every Day!

8 Reasons to Wear the Same Thing Every Day! This idea is new to me but I think I might love it. It’s called, “The Capsule Wardrobe Movement” and interest is growing. Here’s why and how you might try it for yourself. We have become obsessed with fashion and its ever changing mood. And we are drowning in the desire to pursue and have. Can you imagine though, what might happen if you made a decision to just stop. Even if only for half a year? Just. Stop. Buying. Becoming Minimalist reminds us if we owned fewer clothes: You would...

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Caterpillar’s New Smartphone Has FLIR Thermal Imaging Built In

New Smartphone Has FLIR Thermal Imaging Built In Thermal cameras were once an expensive tool that few used but Caterpillar has changed all that with their new smartphone with built in thermal imaging sensors. From the Caterpillar website: “The new Cat S60 features a built-in thermal imaging camera from FLIR, the global leader in thermal imaging technology, that puts the heat sensitive technology in a smartphone for the very first time. Ideal for builders, electricians, emergency services, utility workers and so many more, the thermal camera can be used to almost endless effect, saving time and money by detecting...

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Scientists Discover Children’s Cells Living in Mothers’ Brains

Scientists Discover Children’s Cells Living in Mothers’ Brains If you’ve had a child, you know just how deep your connection to them can run. And now, new research has found the physical connection is even deeper than we thought. This bond begins while a baby is gestating, when Mom has everything the developing baby needs: warmth, food and the sweet and constant rhythm of her heartbeat. While the baby grows in the placenta (an organ built of cells from both Mom and baby and responsible for the exchange of nutrients, gasses, and waste) cells may migrate between mother and child,...

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