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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Latest iPhones Have Almost SIX TIMES More Cancer-Causing Radiation Than Competing Brands

Latest iPhones Have Almost SIX TIMES More Cancer-Causing Radiation Than Competing Brands Update: I have an iPhone and people asked me what I use. After (who are super skeptical) admitted that the PONG case (you can click to buy- not my product) appeared to work – I’ve used them ever since. And I only use speaker phone. If you haven’t already purchased Apple’s iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, perhaps read this and then decide if bigger is indeed, better. Only recently, with the addition of the two larger phones, has Apple begun to catch up to Android in terms...

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The Texan Mayor who Went Vegan (and can’t stop talking about it)

The Texan Mayor who Went Vegan Out in Marshall, TX- or East Texas if you are from the Lone Star State- a vegan revolution is taking place (although, they prefer to call their lifestyle “plant based” which is probably safer for cowboys). While BBQ and chicken and waffles are food groups in the south, so are obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease. However, thanks to the mayor, they are becoming healthier and are proud of it. You can even order “vegan” food in restaurants! From the NY Times article: “Get Healthy Marshall was started by the five-term mayor, Ed...

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6 medical conditions that dogs can sniff out

6 Medical Conditions That Dogs Can Sniff Out Dogs have the most amazing noses. In fact, they are famous for their sense of smell and it’s no wonder; they have about 220 million scent receptors (we have 5 million- we must stink to them), they can smell things we couldn’t imagine, they can detect some odors in parts per trillion, they can detect subtleties in scents, and their smelling of us and other dogs is actually more like a well conducted interview- as their noses tell a lot more than we imagine (think age and recent meal, for starters). We’ve...

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Nicole Kidman And Keith Urban To Convert Farm Into Wildlife Sanctuary?!

Nicole Kidman And Keith Urban To Convert Farm Into Wildlife Sanctuary Nicole Kidman (born in Hawaii and raised in Australia) and her cowboy from down under, Keith Urban, have apparently decided to convert their farm in Tennessee into a wildlife sanctuary. The rumor is that she and her husband are fans of the way in which Bindi Irwin (she won Dancing with the Stars during Season 21) was raised by her famous animal handler father, Steve, and her mother Terri. Seems they want to follow in their footsteps. They own a 16-hectare farm in Leiper’s Fork (worth $3.5 million) which is located...

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Vitamin B17: The Greatest Cover-Up In The History Of Cancer

Vitamin B17: The Greatest Cover-Up In The History Of Cancer Nowadays, the reality concerning the most serious deadly disease of the modern era is far from an optimistic. Namely, we are exposed to numerous harmful influenced by our environment and unhealthy way of life, and this has led to numerous cancer patients.   On the other hand, conventional medicine dictates all the rules of the game, as they suggest and expose us to different cancer treatments. Yet, there is another alternative way that we can take, and today, we will discuss it. Namely, cancer can be effectively treated by...

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