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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Hex House, the solar home for disaster victims

Hex House, the solar home for disaster victims Disasters, whether caused by nature or man, can be devastating to entire communities. For many, the worst part can be finding proper shelter and living conditions in the aftermath. Enter Hex House, a quickly-assembled, solar power home designed to get people back on their feet as soon as possible. Architects For Society, the company responsible for the design, is known for designing housing options for these exact types of situations. “As a group of allied professionals from the US, Europe and the Middle East, AFS is a non-profit design practice with a...

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List of Monsanto Owned “Food” Producers…

List of Monsanto Owned “Food” Producers (Editor’s note: While the title in this re-posted article says that Monsanto “owns” certain “food” companies, we know that our friends at Herbal House 365 were intentionally being controversial to grab attention. We chose to do that as well, with the full understanding that these companies aren’t owned by Monsanto. Love you Health Nuts!) In light of the public anger over the Monsanto Protection Act, here’s a simple, list of companies that use Monsanto products. By avoiding products made by companies on this list, you can help ensure your money isn’t going to...

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LEGO is ditching plastic in favor of sustainable materials

LEGO is ditching plastic in favor of sustainable materials In a recent announcement, LEGO said they plan to move away from plastic to more sustainable manufacturing materials. The Denmark based company plans to invest around $150 million over the next 15 years creating a ‘Sustainable Materials Center’, which will have over 100 employees researching and developing for those colorful little blocks we all love.  They are confident they will have an alternative by 2030. The CEO and President of the LEGO Group, Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, states that, “This is a major step for the LEGO Group on our way towards achieving our 2030...

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Is the Resistance To Smart Meters Justified? This Is The Shocking Truth.

Is the Resistance To Smart Meters Justified? Two leaders of an anti-smart meter “action group” were recently arrested which got me wondering, what’s the big deal about smart meters? What I found will shock you… Well, it seems there are serious problems with both smart meters and the grid it’s supposed to connect us with. Spending billions to install smart meters while wasting millions by trashing existing analog meters doesn’t make economic sense. The utility companies will say each RF pulse is insignificant. But there can be up to 10,000 pulses in one day from a smart meter. Smart...

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Group Of Nuns Growing And Selling Marijuana Illegally, Making $400,000 Annually

Group Of Nuns Growing And Selling Marijuana Illegally Two northern California nuns are under duress when a recently passed state law allowed their local city council to move to close their, previously, legal marijuana business. The temporary ban on marijuana cultivation was passed on January 4, 2016 and is believed to be exploiting a loophole created by the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act, which passed in October 2015. “It’s frustrating to me because there are all of these people with negative attitudes about something that is truly God’s gift,” said Sister Darcey, one of the nuns. “We make CBD oil,” added...

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