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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Organic meat and milk RICHER in Omega-3 fatty acids

Organic meat and milk RICHER in Omega-3 fatty acids The Guardian reports that a new study, conducted by scientists from the UK, Poland, Norway, Italy, Denmark, Switzerland, Greece and Turkey, has shown organic meat and milk to be much richer in omega-3 than conventionally “farmed” products, and that organic meat also contains a lower amount of harmful saturated fats (these fats have previously been linked to an increased risk of heart disease). For those of us who have been willing to pay a little more for certain (or all) organic products, choosing our health over cheaper food, this is good news....

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19 Super Healthy Sweet Potato Recipes

Healthy Sweet Potato Recipes (Editor’s Note: I don’t know about you all but I’m a busy lady. This list is a HUGE and delicious help to me, hope you enjoy it, too. Let me know if you make anything and how it turns out for you! Thanks to our friends at Bembu!) Here are some of the healthiest, most delicious sweet potato recipes available. The incredibly versatile sweet potato can fill in for ordinary white potatoes in nearly every dish, and it brings with it antioxidants and fiber that regular potatoes just don’t have. It plays well with others,...

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Hex House, the solar home for disaster victims

Hex House, the solar home for disaster victims Disasters, whether caused by nature or man, can be devastating to entire communities. For many, the worst part can be finding proper shelter and living conditions in the aftermath. Enter Hex House, a quickly-assembled, solar power home designed to get people back on their feet as soon as possible. Architects For Society, the company responsible for the design, is known for designing housing options for these exact types of situations. “As a group of allied professionals from the US, Europe and the Middle East, AFS is a non-profit design practice with a...

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List of Monsanto Owned “Food” Producers…

List of Monsanto Owned “Food” Producers (Editor’s note: While the title in this re-posted article says that Monsanto “owns” certain “food” companies, we know that our friends at Herbal House 365 were intentionally being controversial to grab attention. We chose to do that as well, with the full understanding that these companies aren’t owned by Monsanto. Love you Health Nuts!) In light of the public anger over the Monsanto Protection Act, here’s a simple, list of companies that use Monsanto products. By avoiding products made by companies on this list, you can help ensure your money isn’t going to...

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LEGO is ditching plastic in favor of sustainable materials

LEGO is ditching plastic in favor of sustainable materials In a recent announcement, LEGO said they plan to move away from plastic to more sustainable manufacturing materials. The Denmark based company plans to invest around $150 million over the next 15 years creating a ‘Sustainable Materials Center’, which will have over 100 employees researching and developing for those colorful little blocks we all love.  They are confident they will have an alternative by 2030. The CEO and President of the LEGO Group, Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, states that, “This is a major step for the LEGO Group on our way towards achieving our 2030...

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