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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Hot Peppers for Pain, Infection, and Heart Health

American food culture hasn’t always been about spice. Most of us don’t grow up eating it or have the stomach for it; you know, sweaty foreheads, runny noses…and the next day is even worse. However, for many cultures eating hot peppers is normal AND has many health benefits. But before we dive into that, let’s deal with the issue of them being called “hot peppers”. Apparently it was Columbus who first called them that, because he assumed the chili plant was related to the hottest herb he knew- the peppercorn. This would explain why most people call these plants...

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Rest in Peace to a Prominent Holistic MD, Dr. Bruce Shelton

  Rest in Peace to a Prominent Holistic MD, Dr. Bruce Shelton We are deeply sorry to hear of the sudden passing of well known holistic MD, Dr. Bruce Shelton. So many of his patients wrote to tell us the news. A letter was allegedly sent out from his clinic that read in part: “With great sadness and heavy hearts, we must inform you that our beloved friend and colleague, Dr. Bruce Shelton, unexpectedly passed away this weekend. He was surrounded by his loving family and close friends.” They go on to talk about the many accomplishments Bruce Shelton, MD made...

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Researcher at Famous Cancer Center Found in Woods Ruled Suicide, But No One Buying It

Researcher at Famous Cancer Center Found in Woods Ruled Suicide This is another update. Below, you can access all updates beginning on Valentine’s Day. Please watch the video: As you know, I did a story just after the sad news broke that cancer researcher Cheryl DeBoer had been found dead in Seattle, on Valentine’s Day. At that time, no evidence we found even remotely pointed toward suicide. Her mother, Lenore Peterson, believes that even though there is a lack of evidence showing her daughter died of a homicide, it doesn’t necessarily mean that she killed herself. She posted the following on...

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Tick populations increase, new diagnostic tools and a new strain of Lyme.

Tick populations increase, new diagnostic tools and a new strain of Lyme As someone who has dealt with Lyme disease, my eyes are always scanning the blogosphere for new information, studies and help for those who suffer; and the CDC believes this bacterial infection could be 10x more common than we know, even though 30,000 cases are reported each year. Lyme disease is critical to detect at an early stage in order to prevent complications like, “arthritis, meningitis, facial palsy, and, in rare cases, myocarditis, or damage to heart muscle leading to sudden death”. However, researchers know that lyme...

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Make your dentist proud. Grow back your receding gums- holistically.

Grow back your receding gums- holistically If you are suffering with receding gums (when the tissue of the gum around the teeth corrodes and it looks like your gums have receded backwards) take heart, there is holistic hope for you! Even though receding gums are the perfect place for bacteria growth, by including some of these simple treatments, you can regrow your gums and cut down on pain and infection. The issue is more common than you might know and most who suffer don’t notice the problem right away. However, there are signs and symptoms to look for, tooth pain and sensitivity being...

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