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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Ask your doctor about cannabis chewing gum today! (no really, this is happening)

  Ask Your Doctor About Cannabis chewing Gum We here at Health Nut News are so thankful that the word on cannabinoids is spreading. And now it looks like those who are in the most pain in our populace, may have access to it via chewing gum. AXIM Biotechnology has created marijuana gum and it expects both the FDA and the European Medicines Agency to approve this product for use, by prescription. Called “MedChew Rx” the gum contains 5 mg of cannabidiol (CBD) and 5 mg of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Cannabidiol is one of a 100 cannabinoid properties found in marijuana...

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Top Leading Cancer Scientist Found Dead in Tree in Fetish Body Suit

Top Leading Cancer Scientist Found Dead It is with a heavy heart that I break this sad news about another death. This will not be added to the official list of deaths, as it was “accidental”. One of the UK’s leading cancer researchers was found dead in a rubber body suit in woodland in a “bizarre sex fetish,” an inquest heard today. Professor Alan Clarke, 52, was discovered by his wife and neighbors in a blue and black rubber suit three hours after taking the family’s dog for a walk. He was the director of the European Cancer Stem...

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NY Times: Tylenol During Pregnancy Tied to Asthma in Child

Tylenol During Pregnancy Tied to Asthma in Child In a study published Dec. 18th, 2015, Norwegian researchers found that pregnant women who use Tylenol (or acetaminophen) during their pregnancies have a slight increase in the risk for asthma in their offspring. Health data on 95,200 pregnant mothers from 1999- 2008 was used and they followed 53,169 of their children, after birth (mothers also completed questionnaires on medication use for themselves and their children). Using some controls for health and behavioral characteristics, the researchers found that exposure to Tylenol in the womb was , “associated with a 13 percent increased...

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Roseanne Barr opens “Roseanne’s Joint” (and guess what she sells?)

Roseanne Barr opens “Roseanne’s Joint” Roseanne Barr, actress and comedian, has recently become an investor in a marijuana dispensary in Santa Ana. Really. Called, “Roseanne’s Joint”, the shop will sell marijuana products that bear its name, including pot-laced, chocolate-covered macadamia nuts (grown on her farm). The shop, located at 1327 E. St. Gertrude Place, promises to be a high-end experience…think open concept and rustic wood floors. And she plans to make appearances. From the article: “I’m proud to be a cultural pioneer at the forefront of another wave of progress! And we’re proud of the city of Santa Ana as we...

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Thank you Germany! 62-Mile Bicycle Highway That’s Completely Car Free.

62-Mile Bicycle Highway That’s Completely Car Free In January, Germany opened the first three-mile stretch of a bicycle highway or “bike autobahn” that will eventually, “span over 62 miles, connecting 10 western cities including Duisburg, Bochum, and Hamm, as well as four universities.” And it’s entirely car-free. Much like a traditional highway, bike highway (my term) has passing lanes, overpasses and underpasses for crossroads, and even streetlights. The tracks are 13 feet wide too, which allows for passing. A recent study completed by development group RVR, projects it to take 50,000 cars off the road each day. As cycle infrastructures like this...

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