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Author: Erin Elizabeth

FDA Fails to Protect Children in Light of New Evidence on Food Dyes

FDA Fails to Protect Children The Erin Elizabeth, Founder, Health Nut News Nonprofit, Center for Science in the Public Interest, recently released a damning report that blames the FDA for failing to protect children from the behavioral problems that artificial food dyes cause. Since 2011 evidence has continued to grow, highlighting the danger of food dyes. From the article: “Since 2011, eight detailed analyses, including two meta-analyses, concluded that excluding food dyes, or a diet that eliminates dyed foods and certain other foods and ingredients, reduces behavior problems in some children. Furthermore, recent analyses of the dye content of popular foods and...

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Update: Walmart supplier is recalling 90,000 lbs of beef

Walmart supplier is recalling 90,000 lbs of beef This may surprise some, but not us here at Health Nut News. The Huisken Meat Company is having to recall some of its Sam’s Choice beef products, sold exclusively at Walmart because they may contain fragments of wood. Wood. Let that sink in. Also interesting to note, the recall is merely a Class II (“This is a health hazard situation where there is a remote probability of adverse health consequences from the use of the product”) meaning the USDA feels the risk is low. Hungry yet? The recall has been issued...

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Taxes on tampons under fire- This has got to stop

  Erin Elizabeth, Founder, Health Nut News You can tell its election time when any and everything becomes fodder for someones serious attention. And the Erin Eoliticians seemed to have settled on the “tampon tax.” Most states charge a sales tax on all feminine hygiene products but this is starting to draw criticism from certain political circles, including from the Commander in Chief himself. Obama was recently quoted, during an interview with Ingrid Nilsen, as saying that it’s “sensible” for women to work to remove those taxes. In that same interview President Obama stated that he suspected there were taxes...

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Local Florida Holistic Doctor Found Dead, He was “Healthy & Hearty”

Local Florida Holistic Doctor Found Dead Erin Elizabeth, Founder, Health Nut News This is the hardest story I have written over the 2 years since starting  I actually wasn’t going to publish it, but my friends told me this is what I do. As many of you know- I’ve gently broken the news of the dozens of deaths of holistic doctors since June 19th of last year, beginning with Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet. I’m worried for my own better half of the last 7 years, as he’s a holistic doctor as well. This story is the toughest though, as Dr....

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Anti-drone rifle lets people shoot drones out of the sky without firing a bullet

Anti-drone rifle lets people shoot without firing a bullet The rifle, called the DroneDefender, uses a radio pulse to disable a targeted drone within 400 meters.  The gun causes the drone to think it’s out of range and enter emergency protocol, either causing it to land, hover or return to its point of origin. Because the DroneDefender jams communications between the drone and the operator, it can also prevent any onboard self destruct mechanisms from going off. Battelle Innovations, the company responsible for producing the rifle, says that it is “a lightweight easy-to-use non-kinetic solution to defend airspace against...

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