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Author: Erin Elizabeth

NBC: Marshall Investigator has 100% confirmation doctor’s death was a set-up

Doctor’s Death Was a Set-up By Erin Elizabeth, Founder, Health Nut News UPDATE: I first reported this on January 27th and did indeed question the idea where authorities said Dr. Marshall’s death was by accidental drowning. Now even NBC News channel 6 is covering the story that this top investigator has 100% confirmation that this death was a sophisticated murder setup… NBC Link is at the bottom. I made a quick video for my YouTube followers below and usually would use more footage from interviews, but had a national radio show to do. I’ll update with another video with...

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The Most Affordable Way to Remove Fluoride from Tap Water

The Most Affordable Way to Remove Fluoride from Tap Water The dangers of drinking water that contains high levels of fluoride are well known. Some of the known side effects of drinking water that contains fluoride are dental fluorosis, reduced intelligence in children and a damaged nervous system. Buying a water purification system that removes fluoride can get really pricey. A lot of us are stuck with dangerous fluoride in our water. The majority of people get those mini-water filters which don’t remove fluoride. But here is a secret (which a lot of people do not know about) – you...

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Aldi – Chain is rivaling Whole Foods for less, & Health Nuts are Lovin It! (oh, that’s not all)

Aldi – Chain is Rivaling Whole Foods By Erin Elizabeth, Founder, Health Nut News  Update 2: Over the last couple of years, Aldi has been removing certain pesticides and chemicals from its products (which we LOVE) and now- they are going even further! As of January 1st the German grocery store will be removing eight pesticides (Thiamethoxam, Chlorpyrifos, Clothianidin, Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin, Fipronil, Imidacloprid and Sulfoxaflor) from all products on its U.S. store shelves! They are also expanding their organic food brands, removing some artificial ingredients from products and adding more gluten-free items. They have removed certified synthetic colors, partially hydrogenated oils, and MSG...

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Holistic MD & Anesthetist attacked on beach by man with sword (another doctor killed there last month)

  Holistic MD & Anesthetist Attacked on Beach Erin Elizabeth, Founder, Health Nut News You might remember, just weeks ago, that we wrote about the death of Dr. Linnea Veinotte. She was jogging in a “safe posh upscale tourist area” near the beach on the island of Grenada (with her dog) when she was hit by a vehicle (allegedly no witnesses) and then buried in a makeshift grave. Her dog survived. A man turned himself in not long afterward. Now, less than a month later, holistic MD Brian Melito, and his wife, a physician’s assistant of anesthesiology (from the US), were...

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High-dose vitamin C injections shown to annihilate cancer

High-dose vitamin C injections shown to annihilate cancer Groundbreaking new research on the cancer-fighting potential of vitamin C has made the pages of the peer-reviewed journal Science Translational Medicine. A team of researchers from the University of Kansas reportedly tested the effects of vitamin C given in high doses intravenously on a group of human subjects and found that it effectively eradicates cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact. Building upon earlier research pioneered in the 1970s by the late Linus Pauling, a chemist from Oregon State University who today is recognized as the world’s foremost proponent of therapeutic...

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