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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Menstrual Cups Are Not the Period Dream We’ve Been Sold

Menstrual Cups Are Not the Period Dream We’ve Been Sold Editor’s note: My doctor (30 years in his practice) would never recommend sticking ANY kind of silicone into your body for 3 days to a week, each month.  So, since many on Facebook keep asking, here’s an Amazon link for the best product and only thing I use internally. Oh and organic pads would be alright too, of course. from the Stir.cafemom  Sometimes it sucks being a woman. I’m not going to deny it. Every lady out there is looking for the magic bullet, the promise to make the period less pain in the neck,...

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Groundbreaking Research: Cannabis Treats ADHD Better Than Adderall

HigherPerspectives Cannabis Treats ADHD Better Than Adderall The medical use of marijuana is no secret. It can be used to treat a number of ailments, chronic and short term. According to a groundbreaking new medical study of 30 patients with ADHD, all 30 reported improved concentration and sleep as well as reduced impulsivity after using medicinal cannabis. These 30 patients all reported having limited success with conventional treatments like Ritalin and Adderall. 22 of the 30 patients opted to forgo their previously prescribed medications and use marijuana to manage their symptoms instead. It’s a small sample group, yet it’s an...

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85% of Tampons Contain Monsanto’s “Cancer Causing” Glyphosate

from Lorraine Chow  UPDATE: I’ve been asked on my Facebook page  many times for alternatives and safer options. Now I personally would not put silicone in my body every month (like Diva cups)  Period (no pun intended)  I have people asking me why I wouldn’t put silicone inside of me and can only say I made a video on this page about how I had implants (with silicone) that almost killed me. So that’s one reason.. and here’s another reason those  “moon cups” aren’t recommend. Now,  I’m not a huge fan of organic tampons, but would recommend them over silicone...

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The Nikola Tesla Interview Hidden For 116 Years

Nikola Tesla – Everything is the Light by GEORGI STANKOV Interview with Nikola Tesla from 1899 TESLA MEETS KING PETER II OF YUGOSLAVIA ON JULY 15, 1942. TESLA’S NEPHEW, SAVA KOSANOVIĆ, IS THIRD FROM THE LEFT. Once, in 1899, Nikola Tesla had an interview with a certain journalist John Smith, when Tesla said “Everything is the Light“. In one of its rays is the fate of nations, each nation has its own ray in that great light source, which we see as the Sun. In this interview this greatest inventor and seer of modern time unravels a new vision of...

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VIDEO: Amish girl who fled country to avoid chemo is cancer-free

Amish girl who fled country to avoid chemo A Columbus attorney has announced that a 12-year-old Amish girl is cancer-free, despite courtroom testimony last year from doctors that she would be dead in six months without chemotherapy treatments. Maurice Thompson, the executive director for the libertarian nonprofit 1851 Center for Constitutional Law, said the girl, Sarah Hershberger, shows no signs of cancer and appears to be healthy. “She had MRIs and bloodwork, and the judge over the last year helped facilitate at least one trip to the Cleveland Clinic. The MRIs did not show any cancer,” Thompson told The...

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