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Author: Erin Elizabeth

7 Reasons To Give In To The Adult Coloring Book Trend

Coloring books for adults have become the latest trend, and unlike some fads, this one is actually really good for you. According to clinical psychologist Ben Michaelis, coloring is a stress-free activity that relaxes the amygdala — the fear center of the brain — and allows your mind to get the rest it needs. But coloring has other indirect health benefits as well. Even if it didn’t make us healthier, many of us would still probably be coloring as adults. It’s true, of course, that the inherent fun of coloring might be linked to its de-stressing properties, but I think the...

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Tom Brady Just Said “Coca-Cola Is Poison” and “Food Companies Lie to Us”

In an unexpected move, celebrity football star Tom Brady recently joined the ranks of countless health experts and activists by denouncing the popular soft drink Coca-Cola, calling it “poison.” In an interview with Boston sports radio station WEEI, Brady said, “You’ll probably go out and drink Coca-Cola and think, ‘oh yeah, that’s no problem.’ Why? Because they pay lots of money for advertisements to think that you should drink Coca-Cola for a living? No, I totally disagree with that.” Probably sensing the gravity of this celebrity dis-endorsement, Coca-Cola immediately responded with a statement: “All of our beverages are safe and...

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Subway Responds to Public Pressure, Plans to Remove Antibiotics from Meat Supply

October 20, 2015 (WASHINGTON, DC)–Center for Food Safety (CFS) today commended Subway Restaurants for announcing its plan to eliminate the use of antibiotics in much of the company’s meat supply chain. Subway’s announcement comes just two days before consumer and environmental groups intended to deliver over a quarter of a million petitions signatures calling on Subway to make clear, strong commitments to reduce antibiotics in their meat supply. Those groups include CFS, Natural Resources Defense Council, Friends of the Earth, U.S.PIRG, and In September, many of those groups released a scorecard report, ranking Subway and the other top...

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NY TImes: American Cancer Society, realizing the dangers, recommends fewer mammograms

We’re so happy that The American Cancer Society has come to their senses and admitted the dangers and inaccuracies of mammograms, something my own doctor told me years ago. We’ve written before about how some mainstream physicians (The breast hereditary expert at the University of Chicago notes that mammograms for women who carry the BRCA are dangerous and suggests MRI’s.) have even admitted that mammograms are often misread. Yet sadly, we still have friends who have had mastectomies only to find out, after having their mammogram read, that they never had breast cancer at all. My MD, who has...

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Monsanto Stunned – California Confirms ‘Roundup’ Will Be Labeled “Cancer Causing”

Sacramento, CA — California just dealt Monsanto a blow as the state’s Environmental Protection Agency will now list glyphosate — the toxic main ingredient in the U.S.’ best-selling weedkiller, Roundup — as known to cause cancer. Under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 — usually referred to as Proposition 65, its original name — chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm are required to be listed and published by the state. Chemicals also end up on the list if found to be carcinogenic by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) — a...

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