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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Science Daily: Sad News- Man Buns Could Make you Bald

Man buns – men pulling their hair into a knot above or behind their head has blown through the world of fashion like a hairstyle hurricane. But science has bad news that should strike fear into the heart of anyone who has embraced the fashionable ‘do. It may be causing a condition called traction alopecia. “ It’s really, really common,” Jackson, Mississippi, dermatologist Sabra Sullivan told Mic. “I see it probably once or twice a week.” The condition causes acute baldness around the forehead and temples and is a direct result of hairstyles that pull the hair over long periods of time. “They’re...

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Sanderson Farms Recalls 551,090 Pounds Of Chicken Products

Allegedly, metal shavings have been found in the chicken. From what we can see it was not organic. 551,090 whopping pounds of chickens have been recalled from “Sanderson Farms” (Somehow methinks if we go there it wouldn’t be the nice scenic pretty farm that we’re imagining in our heads) I recommend to my friends and family who do eat chicken to only get certified organic preferably from a local farm (they exist- everywhere)   from the FSIS.USDA.GOV release out just hours ago: WASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 2015 – Sanderson Farms, a Hazlehurst, Miss. establishment, is recalling approximately 551,090 pounds of...

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Study shows Cannabis Use Causes 45% Reduction in Bladder Cancer (& with breast and liver cancer)

by the The National Cancer Institute recently released its report on medical marijuana. The overview of their conclusion is, THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) caused a 45 percent reduction in bladder cancer, remission in breast and liver cancer and more. They have determined that there is no lethal dose of marijuana. And addictive potential is considerably lower than any other medicine available. Among their findings, they have found that cannabis is not associated with adverse pulmonary function and does not cause lung cancer or any aerodigestive tract cancers. Cannabis does not cause other types of cancer either....

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New Study Shows Cancer Virus in Cattle Can Triple Breast Cancer Risk

According to Gladys Block, UC Berkeley professor emerita of nutritional epidemiology who co-authored the study, the odds of having breast cancer were roughly three times greater in subjects in which BLV was present. “If this virus did play a role and turned out to be responsible for a large portion of those cases, then we could think about preventative measures,” Buehring said. “This would change the whole picture of breast cancer. An old friend, who is a scientist, sent me this breaking news today. I was surprised to see it already topping the headlines from Huffington Post to Prevention Magazine....

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What Happens One Hour After Eating A Big Mac?

by FastFoodMenuPrice You’ve probably heard a lot on how junk food negatively affects your body. You’ve probably also heard about studies carried out on fast food and the ingredients, chemicals and additives they contain. Nevertheless, when your stomach starts to rumble and you are dying for a quick bite, the Big Mac seems just too hard to resist. And once you sink your teeth into it, all the studies with their cautionary information are simply forgotten by the rush of quickly consuming the nice and juicy Big Mac. But, maybe you need to take a better look at this...

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