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Author: Erin Elizabeth

BREAKING: 32 y/o Pharma CEO to Roll Back Price Gouge in Response to Nationwide Outrage UPDATE: 32-year-old Martin Shkreli, who recently set off a firestorm of controversy when the pharma CEO hiked the price of Daraprim 5,500 percent, has backed down amid the controversy that had everyone from Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and just about every news organization denouncing him. Daraprim is a drug that was developed 62 years ago and is used to treat various illnesses and prevent infections in cancer and AIDS patients. Initially, Shkreli was brazen in the face of criticism, claiming that the drug was “still underpriced” even after the titanic price spike. Despite this retraction, the embattled pharma CEO’s...

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You’ll Never Eat McDonald’s Again After You Read These Horrifying Facts

Feeling hungry? You may want to read the rest of this article before you head to your favorite fast food restaurant and order your usual chemical and prescription drug-ridden meal. Did you know you’re likely eating crushed beetles and or duck feathers with your fast food burger? Here are some of the most disgusting additives you’re eating when you hit the drive-thru. McDonald’s Horrifying Facts: Duck Feathers: One of the more-enduring urban legends about McDonald’s is that their hamburgers contain cow eyeballs. While this has not proven to be the case, the company’s Baked Hot Apple Pie does contain...

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Top Cereals That Contain Monsanto’s GMO Corn

Source The recent French study that linked Monsanto’s GMO corn to cancer, liver damage, organ failure, kidney damage and premature death – is now being taken very seriously by health organizations and even governments all over the world and they are now warning their people and farmers to make healthier and better food choices. Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize Although United States of America is the richest nation on earth, it is now regarded as one of the least healthy societies in the world. People in US are becoming more aware...

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BREAKING NEWS: NY Times Announces 11th Holistic Doctor’s Death as Suicide? But wait, there’s more…

It saddens me to report this news of a doctor we knew. I gently broke the news on the other holistic doctors who died, including his own colleagues, some within days and weeks of his death. There are 11 in total in under 90 days. Here is a recap on up to 8. You can search the site for more. 11th Holistic Doctor’s Death as Suicide A writer from the NY Times wrote me asking if I had more information on Mitch Gaynor (who we knew) and it went to spam (go figure). I saw it anyway and responded to the...

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Volkswagen just re-released everyone’s favorite hippie-van…but now it’s electric.

BY: ROB HOFFMAN(Editor’s note: I am partial to Volkswagen, as I lived in a pop up VW van with my parents in Europe in the 70s! Also I got out of our home 5 minutes before a tornado that killed our pets and neighbors. It was the VW (which I barely got started) that got me out minutes before I’d have been toast! – Erin )Rumours have begun to circulate about the re-emergence of the iconic VW hippy-van, a beloved road-trip staple and unparalleled adventure machine. Board member, Dr. Heinz-Jakob Neusser spilled the beans at the recent New York Auto Show...

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