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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Breaking: Yet another boy poisoned (here in Florida) – Terminix in HOT water

What is wrong with a society  where you have to start  a Go Fund me account when your little boy is poisoned and brain  damaged (yet again, two boys were already poisoned and left extremely brain damaged by Terminix) and all Terminix can do is issue a half apology that sounds more half assed than the most lame greeting card you could buy? Do you use Terminix? I would quit if I were you. Your life and the lives of your families could DEPEND on it. Guys this is a must read must share. See below for details and...

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US NEWS: 29 Holistic Doctors/ND’s Poisoned, Some Suffering “life threatening conditions” at Conference (Criminal investigation Underway)

29 Holistic Doctors/ND’s Poisoned Our main source is US News and World Report, hence the title. Several have asked me if this is a satire piece. Like all pieces I write, it is factual and very real. I am honored Health Nut News has been quoted by some mainstream news sources now on this piece. 29 holistic doctors/naturopaths “found lying in the garden,” “staggering, doubled over in pain,” and some in a “life threatening” state of poisoning from “psychedelic drug 2C-E or Aquarust.” They were all in attendance at an “alt med” homeopathic health conference. Doctors and practitioners (those who...

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Famous Cleveland Clinic Gives McDonalds the boot from their hospital

Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, a top health care institution in the US, has finally given McDonald’s the boot upon the realization that fast food may just not be the best choice for the sick (or anyone, really). The riddance of the junk food restaurant is one of many changes the hospital is making to “promote healthy food choices, exercise, and a smoke free environment.” Cleveland Clinic spokeswoman Eileen Sheil said: “Our goal is to reduce the risk factors that contribute significantly to chronic diseases.” Well thank you, Cleveland Clinic! Considering that McDonald’s food is full of GMOs, MSG, eggs...

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White Flour Is the Devil- Here’s Why

Refined, white flour is one of the main perpetrators to many modern-day diseases of affluence. It is now well known that white flour spikes the blood sugar, is devoid of most nutrients, and can block the internal villi in the intestinal membrane, contributing to ailments such as leaky gut syndrome (a root symptom to many ‘diseases’ today). But those aren’t the only ill effects caused by consuming a diet high in refined foods which include white flour. Following are 5 shocking facts about white flour that will inspire you to switch to whole, unprocessed foods for good. 1) White Flour Has NO Nutrients Because foods have been processed and refined, manufacturers have to fortify certain nutrients (which your body does not metabolize and...

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US Govt finally admits: Cannabis kills cancer cells

Cannabis kills cancer cells By Bold Sky People have some new cannabis data under their belt they can share with friends who don’t believe in the power of the plant. The recent scientific developments have shown some positive signs of how cannabis can kill cancer. It has some natural things that can help people to fight cancer. As per a research, the scientists have found out that cannabis is helpful in curing cancer. In the opinion of the scientists of the National Cancer Institute, cannabis can restrict the growth of tumor that causes severe damage to the body. 7 Facts...

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