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Author: Erin Elizabeth

14 of the Best Vegan Omega 3 Sources

Best Vegan Omega 3 Sources by Diane Vukovic Omega 3 fatty acids play a role in every cell in the body. Omega 3 makes up cell membranes, keeps the nervous system functioning, keeps cholesterol levels in check, and stavse off inflammation. Once Omega 3 is in the body, it also gets converted into the fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) andeicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Without proper planning, a vegetarian diet may be lacking in Omega 3 fatty acids. Luckily, it is pretty easy to meet Omega 3 recommendations. Foods such as oils, nuts and seeds are very high in Omega 3....

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Cannabis Oil Helps 6 Year Old Girl Take Her First Steps

by Justin Gammill Bella Chinonis was born with a very rare medical condition know as “1p36 Depletion Syndrome“. This condition is a result of a small amount of genetic material missing from chromosome 1. It’s a genetic disorder that can lead to moderate to severe intellectual disability, delayed growth, hypotonia, seizures, limited speech ability, malformations, hearing and vision impairment, and distinct facial features. Bella also had several holes in her heart, kidney failure, and was unable to walk. Then came Bella’s miracle: Cannabis Oil. After hearing about the benefits that other children had seen with cannabis oil, Bella’s parents tried...

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Holistic MD Nick Gonzalez, who died suddenly, said he’d heard big pharma hoped he’d get hit by a bus

Holistic MD Nick Gonzalez Dies It  brought me no joy to stumble upon the unintended series that I broke (as gently as possible) about all the holistic doctors who died within a matter of weeks. We knew some of them which made it all the more difficult to write about. I’d be writing one article as another doctor we knew died. It’s tragic and painful and I truly hope no more die or are killed. Vitality Magazine published an article where Dr. Nick Gonzalez said that big pharma knew about his work and hoped he’d get “hit by a...

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Doctor’s death just ruled as suicide, local news calls investigation a “mess”

Doctor’s death just ruled as suicide I first wrote about Jeffrey Whiteside, MD just days after he walked away (on foot) from his family on Monday June 29th, never to be seen again. Coincidentally that is the very same day Teresa Sievers, MD was found murdered in her Florida home. The local paper is calling the whole investigation a “mess” which I detail below. I also did a video above about this and I highly recommend you watch. Today authorities announced that Jeffrey Whiteside died the very day he disappeared on June 29th and have ruled it a suicide....

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You can microwave your armpit hair and sweat away forever (it cost thousands for the privilege)

You can microwave your armpit hair and sweat away forever Move over shaving blade and laser treatment. This new hair removal system technology will banish hair and sweat under your arms in an instant. Image: Instagram Article: Lynn Butler Toss away your razor blade. Now you can remove your armpit hair permanently by microwaving it. Yes, that’s right, a FDA cleared treatment called miraDry now removes your armpit hair and stops your pits being smelly. This treatment has been available in select markets since the beginning of August 2015 and has already made our hairs stand on end. According to...

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