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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Fit Vegan Cardiologist dies in freak accident, Florida MD dies while jogging Saturday & more

I realize that there are many doctors in the US, and sadly, some of them die in accidents every year—all too frequently. I still stand by my unintended series where at least 6 holistic doctors, all east coast, 5 here in the southeast region all died within a matter of weeks. Do I know if they’re connected? No. Do I know if these doctors’ deaths in this article were nothing but accidents? No. Most in this story might be purely accidental, but a few raised eyebrows so I’m doing a piece on it. I will refine the list later...

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5 chiropractors die in accidents in recent months, 3 single car

Since I broke my unintended series of doctors who were found dead or murdered (several of whom we knew) I get emails daily about more deaths. Now we are sadly at #9 (not including these 5 doctors). Most of the deaths reported to me, I am able to rule out as being particularly suspicious. But these 5 DC’s deaths just leave me with a few questions. 5 chiropractors die Two chiropractors were driving with their kids (in neither case were the moms with them), and both crashed into large semi trucks in front of them. The cases are so similar...

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Holistic and Fit Dentist, 41, Found Dead of Massive Heart Attack While Jogging

Holistic Dentist Found Dead Dr. Abdul-Karim was a holistic dentist who helped the underprivileged, and had a non profit foundation set up two years ago to do just that. His fraternity brother, patient and long time friend said that his friend’s July 21st death just “doesn’t add up.” He was found lying on the side of the road at 10 PM, EST by a passerby. RIP Many of you know that I “broke” the news as gently as possible with an unintended series of articles on almost all the doctors who have been murdered or found dead in the last...

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2 more MD’s (1 prominent holistic & one of missing docs) found dead, bringing the total to 8

2 more MD’s found dead, bringing the total to 8 As some of you know, it brought me no joy to be the one to break all of the stories on each doctor found within the span of about a month, starting with the beloved Dr. Bradstreet. He was the first, and was found dead on June 19th in a river with a gunshot wound to his chest. They did find a gun in the river nearby. He was from Florida. Many experts are questioning how he died. Then there was Dr. Hedendal who was found dead in his car on...

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MD Found Murdered Inside Florida Home Today. This makes 6 in 30 days with 5 still missing.

MD Found Murdered Inside Florida Home Today Yet another doctor was just found murdered inside his home here on the east coast of Florida. This makes six doctors to be found dead in the last month, from this region of the country alone. Four out of the six were found dead here in Florida. We lost the holistic Teresa Sievers, MD, who was found murdered in her Florida home just weeks ago. We lost the alternative doctor, the beloved Jeff Bradstreet, MD, who was found in a river with a gunshot to his chest. And we’ve also lost the osteopath Dr. Riley, who was found...

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