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Author: Erin Elizabeth

CBS: New Study shows 79% increase in US home births

A study done by birthing specialists show home births have jumped by 79% in recent years. Of course doctors are outraged and one head OB GYN of a clinic  asked “why would anyone ever want to have their baby at home”  The geniuses at Fox wouldn’t allow their video to embed so we have a snippet above,  but you can watch the whole video here. It’s interesting to say the least. The increase in US Home Births We aren’t surprised that nearly every mainstream news outlet we can find is reporting this story as “stunning” and frightening”.   They...

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VIDEO: CNN “sitting WILL kill you, even if you exercise”

The jury isn’t out on this one. They’re already back (alas, they are sitting) and the science proves it. Sitting will kill you, even if you exercise. Yes that’s the headlines straight from the horse’s mouth on CNN. It appears it originally was posted in January, but they seem to be running today as a new story.. But it bears repeating. Check out the CBS video on how sitting will kill you (Even if you exercise) and you might want to stand up to read and watch this one.  There is study after study (after study!) that CNN cites which shows...

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U.S. Govt Recommends Lower Level of Fluoride in Water

No surprise that in the wake of the two published studies at Universities that show the dangers of fluoride that after 50 long years the  federal government recommends we lower this poison in our water supply. How sweet it would be great if they banned putting a waste byproduct in our water- but they’ve got to stay the bureaucrats they’ve always been… and this is a start. From the Newsweek article: (remember this isn’t Tin Foil folks… This sh*t is getting real! Water utilities add fluoride to the taps of two-thirds of Americans for the purpose of reducing...

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Tyson to phase out antibiotics in chicken

Tyson Foods (one of the largest chicken companies) on Tuesday became the latest chicken company to begin phasing out antibiotics amid concerns these overused drugs could be putting humans at risk. Tyson to phase out antibiotics in chicken While we’re not chicken eaters, we’re still glad to see this is a step in the right direction that Tyson is phasing out of antibiotics in their chickens.  We hope the next baby (or chick) step will be to have chickens grow up on pastured land with little to no grains and what little there is would be non GMO (by law)...

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Diet Pepsi ditches aspartame on customer concerns

  We can hardly believe it ourselves, but it was officially announced today that Pepsi dropped aspartame from its soda due to customer concerns. They did replace it with sucralose (not a fan of either) but think it’s the lesser of 2 evils. We move for Stevia next. More changes will follow. Diet Pepsi Ditches Aspartame From the article on Diet Pepsi dropping this toxic ingredient PepsiCo says it’s dropping aspartame from Diet Pepsi in response to customer worries and replacing it with sucralose, another artificial sweetener commonly known as Splenda. The decision to swap sweeteners comes as Americans...

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