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Author: Erin Elizabeth

CDC Exposes Their Employees to Ebola

CDC Exposes Their Employees to Ebola CNN Reports that they broke protocol and have potentially exposed “at least one employee” (a lab tech) to Ebola. They also state that “Other employees are being monitored” for Ebola as well. CNN is in Atlanta. So is CDC. Unfortunately so was I 48 hours ago. I got the “flu” right after which is rare. Read the report here!  Ah the incompetent useless harmful government agency that exposes us to deadly diseases (more than once a year) and just earlier this year the CDC exposed humans to a deadly virus  earlier this year (with...

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Giving this One thing Up Helped Me Go from Obese to Slender in 90 Days (and keep it off 2 years)

I know it’s hard to believe that one thing might help someone lose weight, but really it not only did that. It helped change my whole life. Here’s a great article in Huffington Post by Dr. John Beraldi entitled “Breakfast, NOT the most important meals of the day” (and boy did Dr B hit the nail on the head!) Giving Up Breakfast Giving up breakfast and practicing intermittent fasting  (don’t worry you still get to eat!) was one of the key ways I lost weight.  This came up today because someone wrote on my page that the #1 way to...

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Study shows Miscarriages, Birth Defects Strongly Linked to Fracking

Fracking for oil and gas uses a wide range of chemicals that disrupt reproductive function in both sexes. Now an academic study has found a powerful correlation between stillbirth, miscarriage, birth defects, low sperm count, and exposure to fracking chemicals. Exposure to Fracking Chemicals We were unhappy, but not surprised, to be reading the Ecologist and come across this new scientific information. From the Ecologist’s latest  article  that details the study that conclusively shows that  fracking causing birth defects, miscarriages and a multitude of horrid side effects. “In Glenwood Springs, Colorado, mothers have been suffering from an unusually high...

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People waiting for subway in NY when something magical happens

Magic in Subway in NY Some might not think this worthy of a news post, but I think it’s more worthy than most of the other ones put together. The little girl with glasses clad in her big winter coat changed the mood at this cold grey subway station into something magical. I just had to share XO ABOUT THE AUTHOR AND FOUNDER of HEALTH NUT NEWS  Erin  is an animal lover, rescuer, writer  and long time green eco health nut.  She loves sprinting and  singing in the rain. She’s worked in the natural health world and eco world   for...

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Scientists Find Cannabis Compound Stops Metastasis In Aggressive Cancers

Although the natural health community has long known about the benefits of Cannabis, Western medicine has only recently been dipping its toes into the plentiful waters of possibility. Cannabis Compound Stops Metastasis In Aggressive Cancers Back in 1998 Cristina Sanchez, a biologist at Complutense University in Madrid, was studying cell metabolism when something peculiar happened while screening brain cancer cells; the cancer cells died each time they were exposed to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the principal psychoactive ingredient of marijuana. This discovery lead to laboratory trials in animals and is currently awaiting trials in humans as well, but it seems Cristina wasn’t the only...

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