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Author: Erin Elizabeth

“All About That Bass” More Like “All About Thin Shaming” But Why?

  I applaud Meghan Trainor’s song and video for embracing a curvy physique, but why did she have to thin shame in her lyrics AND video with negative images of a thin girl?  She says she’s bringing booty back so “tell the skinny bitches” that? Well I got a big booty and I’m skinny. And I’m sick of the stereotypes. Thin Shaming Hey I’m all about glorifying your size when you got some junk in the trunk.  But I gotta ask: Why must we  put one group of women put another down in order  to make feel better? Meghan Trainor’s...

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Video: Cats Who Think They are Human (this made my whole week)

I don’t post many cat videos. Alright, I do on Facebook and other social media from time to time, but not very often on my actual website unless it’s my cat or pet! I just had to share this though as it absolutely made my day. Cats Who Think They are Human A thread had gotten started on a page recently, about whether people’s pets (fur babies or what have you) are the same to a parent with children.  One mom who started the conversation and brought up the topic said most definitely not and there was no comparison. I...

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My cousin and his wife had both their babies at home and it wasn’t scary- it was beautiful

  I have many friends who decide on home births, but few of them are my actual relatives. This is why I was so excited when I learned my cousin Matthew and his wife Dayyanah would be having their second daughter Dylan (born just days ago!) at home. Everything went smoothly, and here she is below wearing her cloth diapers that her Mommy made (these are amazing and make me want to have a baby just to try them out!) She was almost born on her older sister Zia’s birthday, who just turned 2. What a great birthday present to get a new baby...

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VIDEO: Many quote “Snopes” like they’re scientists or doctors, but they admit they’re not experts (& they lie on their site)

  These are the owners of Snopes (above) Out of the 3? I think the cat is the least biased. Snopes has written more than one article on me and I’ve called them out on their downright lies and inaccuracies. They quietly fixed the article, but not before I did a video with screen capture calling them out on it.   Let’s face facts. It’s pretty difficult for a couple with “no formal background or experience in investigative research” (as the article says below) to remain “neutral”   and unbiased when covering everything from A- Z. Everyone wants a...

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