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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Vegan Pho Like You’ve Never Tasted Before

Vegan Pho Recipe Pho is a delicious Vietnamese soup, made with a light broth, rice noodles and lots of fresh veggies. Many variation exist – that’s the great thing about soup, you can customize it to suit your particular tastes. Traditionally, Pho is made with beef or chicken, but that’s not how I roll, so here’s my vegan version of this tasty (and healthy) soup. 6 cups low sodium vegetable broth 3 large shallots, thinly sliced 3-4 slices of fresh ginger root, peeled 2-3 garlic cloves, minced 6 tbsp. light soy sauce 2 tbsp. rice wine vinegar 3 star...

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American Heart Association: Getting your neck adjusted at chiropractor could lead to a stroke

That’s it. I’m going to start smoking and drinking because obviously eating all organic perfect diet and going to the chiropractor a few times a week could kill me :-/ Getting your neck adjusted From the article: After a neck adjustment — also known as cervical manipulative therapy and typically employed by chiropractors and other healthcare providers — people are at increased risk for cervical dissections (tears), which can lead to stroke, according to a scientific statement released by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Although a cause-and-effect relationship is far from being proved, the groups say that healthcare providers should tell their patients about the...

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ABC: TSA is stealing your iPads, money and stuff- which city was the worst? TSA Stealing iPads So ABC went to several high traffic airports in major metropolitan cities. Interestingly all of them passed the test of the ipad, 500 dollars cash and other items left behind by people working undercover for the network. Except for one: Our very own Orlando here in Central Florida. Watch the story above as the TSA agent is caught red handed at his HOUSE with the iPad and still denies it.....

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Music Therapy film “Alive Inside” will open your eyes, ears and mind

Alive Inside It was my junior year in college at Indiana University.  I was writing my main paper that semester on music therapy.  I’d spent months working on it (had it on a disc) and took it to my parent’s house a few states away for Thanksgiving break.  Sadly a tornado took our house (and that disc, the computer, our animals, piano, neighbors etc) the day after thanksgiving and I lost that paper forever. But I never for the message  of my piece or what I learned during my research. When I took some hypnotherapy courses later I also...

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Florida woman falsely imprisoned for buying Sudafed for her allergies

  Imprisoned for Buying Sudafed Ah right here in our own sunshine state: Mickey Lynn Goodson was allegedly told by a Winn Dixie pharmacist in Florida to buy 2 boxes of Sudafed for her allergy flare up. No sooner had she and her husband purchased the allergy medicine that Officer Moore drove up in an unmarked car and took them both into custody. From the article “Imprisoned for Buying Sudafed”    Defendant Buckhalt arrived, with other deputies, and searched the Goodsons’ car. They were taken to a sheriff’s station, where Buckhalt asked if he could search their home. The Goodson said...

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