As we become more aware of the chemicals present on the food we put into our bodies, the establishment gets a little nervous. For every person who stops eating conventionally grown fruits and veggies, for each family who no longer purchases ready to eat meals or “food” containing HFGS (high fructose corn syrup), they lose dollars. Lots of dollars. And they are starting to get worried.
So much so that they have started to use dirty tactics meant to confuse us. In fact, they’re spending hundreds of millions of dollars on public relations campaigns, using deceptive front groups to push coordinated messages that attack organic food and activists, and defending the continued use of synthetic pesticides, antibiotics, GMOs, and chemical food additives. Their messages are even making it to some of the largest media outlets and onto the evening news.
But, we don’t have to be scared or worried- we just have to educate ourselves. The truth is Big Food doesn’t care about what’s best for us. They are not working for the public good but rather for corporate interests.
And who are the corporations involved? Check out the infographic from the new, free report, Spinning Food: How Food Industry Front Groups and Covert Communications Are Shaping The Story Of Food by Kari Hamerschlag, Anna Lappé, and Stacy Malkan., below:

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The best thing you can do is to familiarize yourself with the key PR firms and front groups and make sure you share that info with everyone you know. Education is key. Those of us who advocate for truth in labeling and for safe, organic, non-GMO foods are up against giants with deep pockets. However, we’ve seen what can happen when we mobilize and work together. Cracks are starting to form. Don’t give up.
And again, make sure to read the new, free report: Spinning Food: How Food Industry Front Groups and Covert Communications Are Shaping The Story Of Food by Kari Hamerschlag, Anna Lappé, and Stacy Malkan.
XO- Erin