Raritan Pharmaceuticals, makers of CVS Homeopathic Infants’ Teething Tablets, Kids Relief Homeopathic Ear Relief Oral Liquid and CVS Homeopathic Kids’ Ear Relief Liquid, has issued a recall of kids’ homeopathic ear relief liquid and teething tablets. According to the FDA, the recalled products contain varying levels of belladonna extract and when consumed in large doses, it can be dangerous or fatal. At this time, the recall is precautionary as there have been no reports of harm to consumers.
From the article:

“The recall is a precautionary action,” confirmed Sushant Pradhan, a Raritan Pharmaceuticals representative. He said the recalled products contain only about a nanogram of belladonna, which is “not toxic to anybody.” However, the company has not received the recent belladonna test results from the FDA, according to Pradhan.

If you’ll remember, this fall after 10 sweet children died while using homeopathic teething tablets, the FDA warned against using them, even though the causes of the deaths weren’t certain (the products contained potentially harmful amounts of belladonna, a toxin from a poisonous plant called deadly nightshade).

While the tablets typically contain trace amounts of the toxin, belladonna poisoning can occur when too much is ingested and cause seizures, difficulty breathing, lethargy and excessive sleepiness. If belladonna amounts are inconsistently labeled on treatments, children might be exposed to dangerous doses. So, after the FDA released their warning retailers like CVS and Walgreens withdrew the teething tablets and gels from store shelves.
More from the article:
“Hyland’s, a maker of homeopathic teething tablets and gels, discontinued distributing teething products in the US after the FDA warning. In a subsequent letter posted on its website, the company wrote, “We are confident that any available Hyland’s teething products, including those you already have, are safe for use. Of course, parents who may have concerns should consult with their physicians before using any medicines, read labels carefully and follow all instructions.”
If you’d like to see everything that’s being recalled, you can check the FDA website for a complete description of each recalled product. And Raritan Pharmaceuticals will address any further questions you might have at 1-866-467-2748.


Source: CNN