Mr. Bower, or “Medicine Man” as he’s known in the northern rivers area of Australia, who owns Mullaways Medicinal Cannabis, is believed to have once again been targeted by the police. Bower, who supplies more than 150 people, many who are children, with THC tinctures is currently in custody in Grafton Jail after his bail was refused.


At the end of March, seven police searched his property likely because of his business with medicinal marijuana. However, what makes this especially odd is that the federal government in Australia is currently trying to “improve access to medical cannabis for people suffering life-threatening or terminal illnesses.”1

“Three years ago, M.r Bower was sentenced to 12 months jail for breaching bail when he was arrested for cultivating cannabis but released immediately on parole.

At that appearance, he was described by the judge as ‘not your standard criminal’.

Mr. Bower has continued his battle to have medicinal cannabis recognised as a legitimate treatment.”2


Sources and References

  1. Echo Net Daily, March 30, 2018.
  2. Echo Net Daily, March 30, 2018.