On a daily basis, I bring all kinds of news to you; scary and depressing truths about our governments, health crisis’, and the state of our world. So, every once in awhile when I run across a fun or cute or amazing story, I burst with excitement until I can share with you all. This is one of those stories.
Meet Ioannis Ikonomou. He works for the European Commission as a translator, which is a pretty prestigious position. However, that still sells his amazing ability short. You see, Ioannis speaks 32 living languages.
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Ioannis belongs to a very small group of people called hyperpolyglots. These people have the extraordinary ability to attain fluency in many different tongues. And, according to Ioannis, there’s no special trick- the best way to learn is to just start speaking. And keep speaking.
The human body is amazing.
Source: Youtube