At the end of April, New Orleans rapper GameOva Reedy, or Reiona Oliver, was arrested on child desertion charges after sending her 5-year-old kid to school via Lyft. According to the St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Office announced on Facebook, they arrested the 27-year-old after Oliver asked the Lyft driver to take her child to school eight miles away.

“The Lyft driver, after realizing Oliver would not be accompanying her son, immediately drove him to a police station to report his mother. Oliver was arrested later that day.

Oliver, in a now deleted Instagram video, reportedly said that she sent her son to school by himself because she was not feeling well and that she didn’t see anything wrong with leaving him with a Lyft driver.”1

(Lyft has a policy against drivers picking up unaccompanied minors.)


We are confused as to why the driver simply refused to take the child anywhere and removed him from the vehicle, but we are thankful the child is now safe.

Louisiana law defines child desertion as “the intentional or criminally negligent exposure of a child under the age of ten years…to a hazard or danger against which the child cannot reasonably be expected to protect himself, or the desertion or abandonment of such child, knowing or having reason to believe that the child could be exposed to such hazard or danger.”1


  1. Reason