“Operation Gridlock,” the protest organized by the Michigan Conservation Coalition, continues at the State Capitol Wednesday.

The group says the stay-at-home order implemented by Governor Gretchen Whitmer to keep Michigan residents safe during the cornavirus pandemic is costing those same residents money in the process.

Meshawn Maddock, a spokesperson for the group, says there has been no action from Gov. Whitmer to support both physical and economic health while the stay-at-home order is in force. She said:

“There is no reason why she can’t be looking at some safe ways to be opening up businesses. Instead of talking about what’s essential and nonessential, let’s talk about what’s safe and not safe. Safe businesses and safe workers need to get back to work.”


Event organizers say they will have participants drive around the Capitol in their cars to adhere to the state’s social distancing guidelines.


Michigan State Police were monitoring the protest to make sure people weren’t trespassing and that they practiced social distancing. They indicated they were not looking to arrest anyone.

Gov. Whitmer is asking for patience, and had this to say regarding her stay-at-home order:

“I want you to have your freedom, I want mine too. We will get to a place where we can be with our friends and family again, where restaurants will open again, where we can go back to work safely again. We have a few tough days ahead of us, but those days where we can resume some normalcy, they are on the horizon if we keep doing what we need to do to get past this moment.”

  1. WILX