Not All Cranberry Supplements Prevent Urinary Tract Infections
If you are a woman you’ve likely heard your friends talk about taking cranberry juice, or supplements, to help prevent UTI’s. However new research has shown that it’s important to choose the correct kind of supplement as well, because too few of them contain enough of the key bacteria-fighting ingredient, to have any effect.
UTI’s occur mainly in women and are usually caused by the bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli), a type of bacteria commonly found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract- although they can be caused by other bacteria as well. They are normally treated with antibiotics.
Some studies have shown that to prevent recurrent UTIs, cranberry products should contain at least 36 milligrams of proanthocyanidins per gram. Natural medications like cranberry supplements aren’t regulated by the FDA so it’s possible that some brands may not have the correct amount of proanthocyanidins needed- or any at all. But these proanthocyanidins are important because new research shows that they prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall and beginning the growth process.
In a new study, lead author Dr. Bilal Chughtai, assistant professor of urology at Weil Cornell Medical College in New York, and his team, looked at seven over-the-counter cranberry supplements. They tested each product in cultures of bacteria and red blood cells to see how effectively it prevented bacterial growth. Of the brands tested (which the report did not identify) only one supplement studied contained more than the needed amount of proanthocyanidins- it had 175 mg of the compounds per gram of product- and that supplement also prevented bacterial growth in culture.
The best medicine is preventative, so if you are concerned with UTIs or if you have recurrent infections, you might do well to consume cranberry products daily and in frequent doses throughout the day (you would also do yourself a favor by drinking a lot of water daily). But if you are going to take cranberry supplements, drink the juice- straight. It’s a bit tart but drinking plain, organic cranberry juice is the best way to KNOW you are getting the most proanthocyanidin you can, for your health.
Source: Reuters