Another Doctor Mysteriously Found Dead
It brings me no joy to break the news of yet another doctor found dead in a mysterious manner. A fourth doctor, in so many months, has been found dead in a body of water. In all four of the water cases (out of over 30) they are unsolved and or mysterious—although all are pretty damn mysterious.
Dr. Bradstreet’s case (the first in our series) has yet to be officially closed, and the family has hired at least one PI. (I’ve interviewed them on this a few times.) Then Dr. Marshall was found in a river and the authorities said the cause was drowning, but his wife (also a doctor) didn’t buy it and hired her own PI as well to investigate. There was also a famous holistic doctor from ABC news who allegedly hit her head and fell into the ocean in Hawaii.
And now this: last seen on February 12, Dr. Rose Polge apparently walked off her job in a stressed state, where she worked at Torbay Hospital in Devon, and was missing for almost two months. Police later recovered her body from the sea more than 50 miles away from Devon where a hoodie (believed to belong to her) was found. There is now an inquest into her death after post-mortem results proved inconclusive.
There are rumors that Dr. Polge left a note to the Health Secretary on the day of her disappearance, but we cannot confirm this.

Dr. Polge grew up in the affluent village of Melbourn, near Royston, Hertfordshire, and was a vocal supporter of the junior doctors’ strike (click here to learn more about the strike). In fact, before her disappearance, she had posted a new Facebook profile picture, featuring the hashtag #notfairnotsafe. And she had also shared a link to a petition asking the British Medical Association to support a strike for junior doctors based on Hunt’s proposed contract changes.
While some may speculate that she was killed for her disdain of the current NHS troubles, no one knows. We do know that the hospital where the doctor worked has one of the worst “A&E” (or emergency department) units in the country, and likely the new contract would have made things even more difficult.
Our heart goes out her surviving family and loved ones. Read the whole series and timeline here. Warning—some information is graphic. We will update the story as more information becomes available.
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Source: Mirror