We’ve known for some time that RFID technology would eventually be used on us and it appears that time is now. Beginning on August 1st, Three Square Market, a company that provides software technology for break-room or micro markets, will be offering their employees microchip implants. The tiny RFID chips (which will be implanted between the thumb and forefinger) will be used to scan into the building, purchase food at work, and log into computers. 1 2
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The decision to be implanted is theirs and the company expects at least 50 employees to sign up.
Chief Executive Officer, Todd Westby said:
“We foresee the use of RFID technology to drive everything from making purchases in our office break room market, opening doors, use of copy machines, logging into our office computers, unlocking phones, sharing business cards, storing medical/health information, and used as payment at other RFID terminals. Eventually, this technology will become standardized allowing you to use this as your passport, public transit, all purchasing opportunities, etc.” 3
But beyond that, TSM hopes to “test and expand the technology for its own products.” One company executive said, “We see this as another payment and identification option that not only can be used in our markets but our other self-checkout and self-service applications that we are now deploying, which include convenience stores and fitness centers.” 4
While they won’t be the first in the world, Three Square Market will be the first US company to implant chips in their employees (they are also footing the $300 bill for everyone who signs up 5 6) and cautions people not to be worried, the chips don’t have GPS tracking capabilities.
At least, not yet…