This one took us by surprise. I have to agree with the school who banned sunscreen that yes, even doctors like Dr Oz have done whole articles and segments on the fact your sunscreen might be poisoning you.
I also know that a child getting sunburned isn’t a good idea. I showed this article to 2 doctors. One said great, and get the kids a cheap 8 dollar UV shirt and a hat like they used to wear instead of rubbing on toxins. The other doc was slightly horrified. Funny how opinions differ like that.
School Bans Sunscreen
Even the NIH (National Institute of Health) announced that we have an epidemic in this country where people (including children) have severe Vitamin D deficiencies as they are at an all time low since levels could be measured. It might surprise some skeptics that yes, the Harvard school of Medicine says that Vitamin D wards off a number of cancers and diseases (like breast cancer and Multiple Sclerosis amongst other killers)
My grandmother (who liked a long great life) always told me to get a little sun every day. Being strawberry blonde this kept me from getting burnt if I did get stuck outside in a line or event (without that toxic sunscreen) Actually I will use a few organic brands when really necessary but I’m more prone to carry a large fashionable hat and a wrap. I do listen to what my Grandma taught me and always get at least 15 minutes a day. Remember, the darker your skin is the more sun you need. Fair Irish people like me can get our daily dose in a shorter time than someone who hails from Africa or South America. It’s a fact.