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Author: Erin Elizabeth

The Heartbreaking Reason This Mom Climbed Into Her Baby’s Crib..

The Heartbreaking Reason This Mom Climbed Into Her Baby’s Crib.. It’s both a strange picture and one of the most loving and comforting, too. Matt and Dayna are the proud parents of Luella. One of the first times they ever left her was to attend a worship concert and at that concert, a missionary shared his story about an orphanage in Uganda. That day, Dayna’s life was radically changed, as was her vision of her child. In her own words, from her Facebook page: “That missionary was in an orphanage in Uganda, and he has been in many before,...

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Review Of “Vaxxed” Deleted From Huffington Post

Review Of “Vaxxed” Deleted From Huffington Post Lance Simmens, author (and so much more) went to see Vaxxed: From Coverup To Catastrophe at one of the California screenings. Moved enough to write a column for The Huffington Post on it, he was surprised when a short time later, without warning or explanation, the piece was taken down and his account was blocked. Simmens had contributed 8 years, written almost 200 articles, and all without incident. In an email interview between Simmens and The Truth Barrier, he explained that during his 8 years of freelance (with zero pay) with HuffPo, they have published nearly 180 of...

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A Portable Hammock Hot Tub That Will Forever Change The Way You Relax? Yes Please!

A Portable Hammock Hot Tub This is SO COOL! Check out this new portable hammock, The Hydro-Hammock, that becomes a hot tub in moments! Fueled by a small Coleman propane tank (which is self enclosed), the hammock is water proof and currently being pitched on Kickstarter. Currently, the campaign has surpassed its initial goal of $50,000 and is currently at $77,000. Each Kickstarter campaign is different so make sure to read the fine print if you want to help out! I hope he is able to get fully funded and these little babes become a reality! Can you imagine taking...

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100 Year Old Heart Surgeon Retired At 95 – Here’s What He Says Keeps Him Young

Here’s What He Says Keeps Him Young Kim A. Williams, M.D. is a 100-year-old heart surgeon who is also the incoming president of the American College of Cardiology has adopted a vegan diet. There have been many world renowned figures throughout history, such as Nietzsche and Plato to pop icons like Bob Marley and Paul McCartney, even political leaders like Benjamin Franklin and Gandhi, have all heavily advocated vegetarian diets. There really isn’t any doubt that the influence of these types of “celebrity” figures, alongside animal rights advocates, have played a someone major role in the rise of vegetarianism...

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Government Announces Plans To Spray Seattle With ‘GMO Bacteria’

Plans To Spray Seattle With ‘GMO Bacteria’ In an attempt to kill Asian and European gypsy moths, the Washington State Department of Agriculture has approved a spraying program to be used OVER the city of Seattle. Scary. Residents oppose the program and rightly so; many remember the US government testing harmful bacteria on civilians (the 1966 Navy Operation Sea Spray). The citizens of Seattle would be wise to test the state, ask questions, demand answers, and maybe even run independent third party tests on the chemicals (a bacteria with insecticide properties called Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), the same bacteria gene commonly used in GM crops...

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