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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Overwhelming Majority Of Germans Contaminated By Glyphosate

Overwhelming Majority Of Germans Contaminated By Glyphosate Glyphosate is able to enter the body via food or drinking water and a new study is showing that the majority of Germans have been contaminated by the compound. Three-quarters of the German population have been contaminated by the deadly herbicide, according to a new study by the Heinrich Böll Foundation. The report(the largest of its kind ever carried out) looked at glyphosate residue in urine and found that, “…75% of the target group displayed levels that were five times higher than the legal limit of drinking water. A third of the population even...

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Central Valley’s Crops Raised With Oil Field Water!

Central Valley’s Crops Raised With Oil Field Water (Editor’s Note: I hate that I didn’t know this but am glad that I can let you in on this, I suspect, unknown truth. Wish it wasn’t true.) In California’s farm belt, Chevron oil recycles 21 million gallons of water each day and sells it to farmers who in turn use it on about 45,000 acres of crops (that’s about 10% of Kern County’s farmland). That’s treated oil field wastewater, on irrigated crops. Let that sink in. The two decade old program is praised by state and local officials as a national...

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Remember The Boy Who Nearly Died of Hunger? See How He Looks Today!

Remember The Boy Who Nearly Died of Hunger? See How He Looks Today! While helping children in Nigeria, a social worker, Anja Ringgren Loven from Denmark, met a little boy and published the heart-breaking photos of him on her Facebook profile, which raised the awareness of many. Namely, this 2-year old little man has been abandoned by his parents, since they thought he was a witch. The boy was left on by himself, and his condition was terrifying when the Danish social worker found him. After 8 months of wandering around, Anja provided proper care and medical assistance. She...

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The Importance Of Getting Kids Into The Garden

The Importance Of Getting Kids Into The Garden Gardens are magical, fun, and always full of surprises. Watch a child pull a carrot from the earth, brush off the soil, and take a bite, or see the anticipation in the eyes of a youngster creating a bouquet of flowers she grew. There is a natural magnetic attraction between children and the earth, whether it’s making mud or discovering a germinating seed emerge from the earth. Gardening with children, from toddlers to adolescents, opens new windows in a world dominated by technology. Whether you are an accomplished gardener or a novice, gardening with...

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Well Known Doctor Murdered in Office While Treating Patient

Well Known Doctor Murdered in Office While Treating Patient Editor’s note: We have no idea if this prominent doctor was holistic, but so many are writing us that we’re simply doing a short story, and our heart goes out to friends and family. A prominent New Orleans-area doctor, Elbert Goodier III, 75, has been shot and killed. Dr. Goodier leaves behind a wife and three children. Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s deputies were called to the scene on Thursday after 911 calls started coming from the hospital. While Dr. Goodier was treating a patient, John P. Thomas, 73, of Kenner, LA, walked into...

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