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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Congress- Sneaking New “Monsanto Protection Act” into Environmental Bill

Congress- Sneaking New “Monsanto Protection Act” into Environmental Bill March 2, 2016 (ANTIMEDIA) Washington, D.C. — Monsanto has essentially been gifted a free pass with legislation intended to protect people and the environment. Monsanto will enjoy immunity from responsibility for one of the most noxious of all its toxic creations: PCBs. Slipped into already-contentious reform measures of the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act by the House of Representatives, the provision concerns now-banned polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which, in the United States, were manufactured nearly exclusively by Monsanto. Though the Environmental Protection Agency banned the substances in the 1979, from the...

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HIV-Prevention Drug Has First Failure

HIV-Prevention Drug Has First Failure The Maple Leaf Medical Clinic in Toronto is reporting its first infection in a man currently taking the HIV-prevention drug, Truvada. The 43-year-old man, who has been taking his meds correctly, had sex with other men and was then infected after having taken Truvada for 24 months. Sadly, the strain he contracted is resistant to Truvada (the virus is believed to be drug-resistant not something that evolved). When taken four times a week, Truvada is supposed to reduce HIV transmission rates (current research says it reduces rates by 99%). While some feel that this news is a surprise,...

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Cancer patient- I illegally healed myself with medical marijuana!

Cancer patient- I illegally healed myself with medical marijuana! He’s not the first person to heal himself, sadly illegally, and he won’t be the last; however his identity was formerly unknown and now he’s screaming it from the steps of the Pennsylvania Capitol building- his name is Randal Ray Robertson. Initially sharing his story with ABC27 a couple months ago, it went viral and was shared on Facebook over 10,000 times. However, while his personal choice was made with a desire to self preserve, it was still an illegal choice. Diagnosed with rare bile duct cancer last year, Randal, 56,...

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Fish – Testing Positive for Cocaine

Fish – Testing Positive for Cocaine Yet another story that I wish I was making up. However, after years and years of irresponsible behavior, the consequences are finally catching up to us. In the waters of Washington’s Puget Sound, it seems the fish are high on all kinds of drugs- both legal and illegal. Due to tainted discharge water, the fish found there have ingested cocaine, Prozac, Advil, Benedryl, and Lipitor. And according to a new study from NOAA (the National Oceanie and Atmospheric Administration) pharmaceutical pollution may be to blame as the brackish water was found to contain up...

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IKEA- using mushrooms to create packaging that will decompose in your garden!

IKEA- using mushrooms to create packaging that will decompose in your garden! Leave it up to Ikea to figure out how to rethink what we know about packaging. Known for thinking outside the box, the furniture retailer is said to be looking at using mycelium as an “eco-friendly replacement for polystyrene” and in an effort to reduce waste and increase recycling. Ikea is looking to use mycelium packaging because many products that typically use polystyrene can’t easily be recycled (also, polystyrene takes thousands of years to decompose). The idea is simple: buy something in this new protective packaging and then throw it...

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