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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Is the Resistance To Smart Meters Justified? This Is The Shocking Truth.

Is the Resistance To Smart Meters Justified? Two leaders of an anti-smart meter “action group” were recently arrested which got me wondering, what’s the big deal about smart meters? What I found will shock you… Well, it seems there are serious problems with both smart meters and the grid it’s supposed to connect us with. Spending billions to install smart meters while wasting millions by trashing existing analog meters doesn’t make economic sense. The utility companies will say each RF pulse is insignificant. But there can be up to 10,000 pulses in one day from a smart meter. Smart...

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Group Of Nuns Growing And Selling Marijuana Illegally, Making $400,000 Annually

Group Of Nuns Growing And Selling Marijuana Illegally Two northern California nuns are under duress when a recently passed state law allowed their local city council to move to close their, previously, legal marijuana business. The temporary ban on marijuana cultivation was passed on January 4, 2016 and is believed to be exploiting a loophole created by the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act, which passed in October 2015. “It’s frustrating to me because there are all of these people with negative attitudes about something that is truly God’s gift,” said Sister Darcey, one of the nuns. “We make CBD oil,” added...

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Most terminally ill doctors would AVOID aggressive treatments like chemotherapy (yet they recommend it to their patients?!)

Most terminally ill doctors would AVOID aggressive treatments like chemotherapy A new study has found that given the option, most doctors would turn down aggressive treatment if they were terminally ill, choosing instead a ‘do not resuscitate’ order. And yet, Stanford University School of Medicine found that they tend to favor aggressive, life-prolonging (for some) treatment for their patients who face the same prognosis. It seems that for far too long, doctors’ have been trained and encouraged to “do”, not to “talk”. And talking to their patients would reveal, according to new studies, that many would prefer to die at home,...

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Four Meat Giants Worst Water Polluters in U.S.

Meat Giants Worst Water Polluters in U.S. Animal waste is emerging as one of the biggest threats to our water ways (every minute 7 million pounds of excrement are made by animals raised for food in the U.S.)- thanks to corporate agribusiness. A new study released by Environment America shows that Tyson, “released 104 million pounds of pollution into American waterways in 4 years, more than companies like Exxon and Dow Chemical.” This pollution creates dead zones (hypoxic (low-oxygen) areas in the world’s oceans and large lakes, caused by excessive nutrient pollution from human activities coupled with other factors that...

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Paleopoo: What We Can Learn from Fossilized Feces

What We Can Learn from Fossilized Feces Americans tend to get about half their minimum intake of recommended daily fiber. Yet in places like rural China and Africa, they eat tons and tons of whole plant foods. Think 100 grams of fiber a day. OR MORE. While some people may not love hearing this, it seems we are best suited digestively- and historically- to be frugivores. Fruit eaters. Researchers found this based on the dietary analysis of modern day hunter gather tribes and by examining fossilized feces. Old poop. It may seem gross but our feces says a lot about...

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