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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Scented Candles and Air Fresheners Pose Dangerous Health Risks

Scented Candles and Air Fresheners Pose Dangerous Health Risks I used to love candles, especially in the autumn and winter. If I wasn’t making cookies that day to make the house smell good, lighting a candle was so easy. I even went to and purchased warmers and candle holders from one of those home party companies. However, the more research I did the more I realized that what was being burned off and was then lingering in my home, wasn’t good for me. Researchers are now finding that too. And it’s not just the candles but those plug-ins, as...

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Runner Drops Dead after “Krispy Kreme” Challenge (Where You Eat 12 Donuts while Running Race for Hospital)

Runner Drops Dead after “Krispy Kreme” Challenge Erin Elizabeth, Founder, Health Nut News A runner in Saturday morning’s Krispy Kreme Challenge died today after running in the “Krispy Kreme” challenge, organizers said Saturday afternoon. The runner, a male in his 50s, complained of chest pains while running in the challenge, was raced to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.  The “challenge” route begins at the Bell Tower at N.C. State University and goes to the Krispy Kreme outlet at the corner of North Person and Peace streets in downtown Raleigh, where those participating in the challenge consume a dozen doughnuts before...

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New study says eating fiber could reduce breast cancer odds

Eating Fiber Could Reduce Breast Cancer Odds It’s always nice when research proves what many health advocates and holistic doctors (and their patients) have known for some time because it means that maybe those who won’t think out of the box may get the help they need. On February 1st, Pediatrics published a new study by Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, which found that adolescence and young women who eat more high-fiber foods (ESPECIALLY fruits and vegetables) could significantly reduce the chance of having breast cancer later in life. From the article at Science Daily: “Previous studies...

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Hellman’s Failed at Suing Vegan Mayo Co., have egg on their face, put out their own

    Hellman’s Failed at Suing Vegan Mayo Co. Hellman’s (owned by Unilever)  looks like they might have a little egg on their face. After unsuccessfully suing Vegan mayonnaise company Just Mayo (see more below) for making vegan mayonnaise, now they’re doing the same? Yep, they have a vegan line (About time Unilever! Now if only you’d make some organic and decent  soap – No I would NEVER use DOVE Products!).  Hellmann’s announced on February 2nd that they would be producing an eggless and “carefully crafted dressing & sandwich spread”, a vegan “mayo” ladies and gentlemen.  They expect the product to...

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Turmeric Extract May Be An Ideal Weight Loss Supplement

Turmeric Extract May Be An Ideal Weight Loss Supplement In the new study titled, “Curcumin induces brown fat-like phenotype in 3T3-L1 and primary white adipocytes,” Korean researchers established for the first time that curcumin is capable of inducing browning of white fat cells (adipocytes) through at least four different mechanisms: 1.     By enhancing the expression of brown fat specific genes. This is a form of nutrigenomic “epigenetic modification,” which means that a nutrient is capable of altering a cell’s patterns of gene expression “from the outside in,” as it were, resulting in significant changes in the structure and function of...

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