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Author: Erin Elizabeth

ABC Video: CDC and Health Officials Tell 26 Year Old Woman She Gets Quarantined and Measles Vaccine or “goes to Jail”

26 year old Woman and family say the CDC and Health officials want her under quarantine and to get a vaccine or “Go to Jail” OR be charged criminally.  Family says they feel threatened. The CDC and local Health Officials have called and showed up uninvited to their home. The frightened family was served a home intervention notice too. Woman Gets Quarantined and Measles Vaccine or……. Jail! Just moments after we published our friends in Washington DC’s piece  (Alliance for Natural Health) about how a new federal order could allow you to be locked up and given drugs against your will- we...

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State Forces 17 y/o Girl to Undergo Chemo Though She and Family Beg No

State removes 17 year old Cassandra  from her home and forces chemo on her for cancer (Lymphoma)  though she and her mother begged them not to and says she doesn’t want that poison in her body. Forced Chemotherapy Cassanda C. is 17 years old. She’s  months away from being an adult, but alas it’s too little too late.  She was taken from her home by child services and chemotherapy was forced upon her though she’s made it clear she doesn’t want that treatment and her mother supports her 100% Apparently if you are months away from being an adult...

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MSN: Milk-free GMO cheese made using human DNA strands

San Francisco company makes dairy free “cheese” out of human dna strands and calls it the first “Vegan” cheese on the market. They say they hoping milk protein “from our own species” will mean fewer allergies. Human DNA strands in GMO Cheese Well, I didn’t realize the amount of shares this would get on My Facebook page when I posted it today, so now I’ve decided not to let it get lost in the black hole called Facebook and put it on my site and make it official. My issue here is how can a cheese that is made with...

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CDC Exposes Their Employees to Ebola

CDC Exposes Their Employees to Ebola CNN Reports that they broke protocol and have potentially exposed “at least one employee” (a lab tech) to Ebola. They also state that “Other employees are being monitored” for Ebola as well. CNN is in Atlanta. So is CDC. Unfortunately so was I 48 hours ago. I got the “flu” right after which is rare. Read the report here!  Ah the incompetent useless harmful government agency that exposes us to deadly diseases (more than once a year) and just earlier this year the CDC exposed humans to a deadly virus  earlier this year (with...

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Giving this One thing Up Helped Me Go from Obese to Slender in 90 Days (and keep it off 2 years)

I know it’s hard to believe that one thing might help someone lose weight, but really it not only did that. It helped change my whole life. Here’s a great article in Huffington Post by Dr. John Beraldi entitled “Breakfast, NOT the most important meals of the day” (and boy did Dr B hit the nail on the head!) Giving Up Breakfast Giving up breakfast and practicing intermittent fasting  (don’t worry you still get to eat!) was one of the key ways I lost weight.  This came up today because someone wrote on my page that the #1 way to...

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