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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Breaking News: A Petty officer shoots himself aboard the USS Hasley in Pearl Harbor, something has to change

 Petty officer shoots himself We are sad and with heavy heart to break this story  before any other news source that at around 2am local time  Petty officer second class just shot himself in the head aboard the USS Hasley stations in Pearl Harbor. All  personnel was called back on board. The Petty officer – a caucasian young male  (we will not release a name at this time- initials are NB- we know his full name and info )   was the officer on deck told other he was going for a soda and went to a room and...

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This simple daily habit can help you live to 100

My grandfather lived to 99 years old.  He died less than 2 years ago and was a phenomenal man. He did what he called his “stretching” (Yoga) every night until into his 90s, but he also did something else several times a day. He flossed. See this CNN video that talks about flossing helping you live to 100 years old. Our dentist had a plaque on the wall (no pun intended)  and it said “You don’t have to floss all your teeth, just the ones you want to keep”  Beyond keeping your teeth though Dr. Gupta explains (in the...

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Fasting for 3 days can regenerate entire immune system study finds

Great News! Fasting for 3 Days Scientists at the University of California have found that fasting (for as little as three days) can regenerate your entire immune system! This is great news as I’ve done a few fasts but always heard from the mainstream medicine how dangerous it was. Ha, how’s about them apples? (or no apples in this case) I’ve tried the master cleanse several years ago and had amazing results. I then tried a juice fast at Optimum Health Institute but have to admit my adrenals were exhausted, I had Lyme which hadn’t been diagnosed yet (which...

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Texas school bans sunscreen, considers it toxic substance

This one took us by surprise.  I have to agree with the school who banned sunscreen that yes, even doctors like Dr Oz have done whole articles and segments on the fact your sunscreen might be poisoning you.  I also know that a child getting sunburned isn’t a good idea. I showed this article to 2 doctors. One said great, and get the kids a cheap 8 dollar UV shirt and a hat like they used to wear instead of rubbing on toxins.  The other doc was slightly horrified. Funny how opinions differ like that. School Bans Sunscreen Even...

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