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Author: Erin Elizabeth

Vet Tells Family Their 4 Year Old Dog Needs To Be Euthanized But Secretly Keeps Him Alive for Animal Testing

UPDATE!! Dr. Millard “Lou” Tierce has been arrested (but not in custody) and  had his license temporarily suspended after investigators not only found Sid inside his office but other dogs and animals in terrible shape in his office (some with missing limbs and broken bones in cages for years)  If you click to read the article there are some graphic descriptions so be forewarned. Dog Secretly Kept Alive for Animal Testing It might sound like something out of a horror movie, but it’s true. Six months ago the Harris family was told their beloved family Pet “Sid” needed to be put...

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This Popular Anti Aging Hormone May Actually Shorten Your Life

I remember when I lived in Los Angeles in the early 2000s getting these injections was all the rage. People were spending upwards of 1,000 dollars a month to buy Human Growth Hormone like it was going out of style. Even now in 2014 I know people doing vigorous workouts to boost their HGH levels. I’d imagine that’s still safer than sticking a needle in your stomach, but I know someone whose doctors said their HGH levels were too high (just from naturally boosting the levels) There are many supplements I think are extremely beneficial. And I won’t deny...

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How to Prevent Yoga From Wrecking Your Body

A few years back the NY Times reported about the dangers of Yoga. I really got into the classes when I lived in Los Angeles from the mid 90′s to early 2000′s. I even went to hot classes taught by Bikram himself before he was as famous as he is today. While my body could handle the heat then- I now find that 90 minutes straight stuck in a very hot room doing Bikram Yoga or nothing at all is just too much for me. I’m not sure if it’s the Lyme diagnosis or living in Florida but I had...

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Nun Steals Our Hearts and the Show on “The Voice”

The last thing I thought I’d be writing about here on Health Nut News is reality shows. As you might know I’m not a huge fan of them. And nuns? Well, I started out in first grade with Sister Maurice as our teacher all the way into high school (at an all girl’s boarding school!) where I lived at a school/convent surrounded by Franciscan nuns who taught me every day. Some were nice, but many were very strict and some never smiled at all. That aside, this little video almost brought me to tears. You see, sometimes, even on...

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